The city of Nice seen from the surrounding hillside bathed in sunshine

Home Travel StoriesUpt's Autumn Bimble 2024

Form Dole To A Hole That's Closed

Days 5 to 6.

By Upt' North

Ay up, I'm back.

The bike was parked out last night in Dole, secure enough but in the open. Which meant it was a good opportunity to check 'er over. All was found tickety boo, all the torque checker marks were in alignment, time to ride.
The night before had been spent discussing where next today, obviously in a bar, and it obviously made perfect sense. It was decided that we would ride down to Chamonix, along the valley and then through the Mont Blanc tunnel to Courmayeur. Having never been to this lovely spot it made perfect sense, we'd been close a few years before whilst riding over the Petit Saint Bernard pass but managed to miss it.

Today was the day... Or was it, pffffffftttttt.

We set off in good time and the Garmin XT did a good job of getting us out of town, we'd have still been there without it. Coming up to lunchtime and just getting our first views of the freshly snow topped Mont Blanc we were looking forward to lunch in Courmayeur, Italy. What could go wrong?

"MONT BLANC TUNNEL FERME", read the sign. Now I'm no bilingualist but from my French lessons 50 years before I knew Ferme wasn't good.

We pulled into a cafe for lunch just before Chamonix to procrastinate. There was nothing else for it, Switzerland and the Grand Saint Bernard pass to Aosta, Italy, our planned stop for the night. Pffffffftttttt. After picking a Frenchman's brain we were assured the recent snow wasn't causing any issues and the pass was good to go. So it was to be, we've ridden this road before and it's no hardship. I didn't take any pictures this time, so this is from when we rode it on The BeaST. The B didn't mind one bit and loved the twists and turns.

Snowy mountain top with a road and a motorcyclist passing along in an alpine scene

The run down to Aosta is spectacular and the snow was no issue. It wasn't half cold up there though. Not Northumbrian cold but cold enough. We were staying in a hotel we have used before a few times, they have good covered parking, good food and good wine. The view from the room was pretty good, looking west towards France.

Jagged mountain peaks behind Alpine style houses and chalets

The next day was forecast dry and warm at around 75f's (24C) and in the morning looking back towards the Grand Saint B was pretty good. As in spectacular. A few folks asked where we were heading and that was east towards Turin and then south to Genoa and we'd stay somewhere near Pisa on the coast. A plan.

SV650 with luggage and an the jagged now capped mountains of The Alps

The run down to Pisa was to be mainly Autostrada, if you've never driven in Italy... don't. And yes, of course it rained.


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From Coal To Dole These notes from the road provide a concise review of Upt's first 4 days of his European excursion. He makes it all sound so easy!
Form Dole To A Hole That's Closed Things don't go quite as planned for Upt' today but don't panic - all's well that ends well.
There's Drivers From Hell And Doggy Smell More random notes from Upt's road trip through Italy. There's a brief romance of the Canine kind and an opinion piece covering Italian driving. Suffice to say Upt's opinion ain't favourable.

Reader's Comments

nab301 said :-
Some great scenery there Upt , pity about the tunnel closure.
The last photo with the Strom presumably fully loaded had me taking a second look (as in where's all the luggage ?) and then I realised this is the hotels tour so you were travelling light or you sent the butler ahead in the Rolls or maybe the Aston...

03/12/2024 11:05:18 UTC
Ian Soady¹ said :-
Yes, great photos. Your experience was the opposite to mine on my Greek trip - I'd wanted to go over the Col de Mont Cenis but it was closed. It was April....

So I was forced to use the tunnel and an awful experience it was too. Dim lighting, kamikaze drivers, "air" almost unbreathable. This was of course well before the fire and subsequent rebuilding - maybe it's better now.

We'll find out when we get there but did you use the same hotel as me in Pisa, weithin sight of the tower?
03/12/2024 13:36:15 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
That made me larf nab301. I just hope Sharon doesn't read this - she would be rather pleased with having "Jeeves" go on ahead. Her assistant would then ensure her impending arrival at the luxurious hotel would be no more stressful than stepping off the bike into a nice warm bath, having fresh clothes laid out, and then stepping down to an evening meal on a sunkissed veranda. Come to think of it I'm sure I'd struggle through with her, heroically.

03/12/2024 16:57:04 UTC
Bros Steve said :-
So far so good and great photos.
28/12/2024 09:32:08 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
Thanks Steve.
29/12/2024 19:00:33 UTC

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