The outside of a motorbike engine seen up close near the exhaust


Travel Tips

KLX250 Long Distance Comfort Modifications Bob has a couple of big rides planned but the KLX250 needs some tweaking to improve all-day comfort. He's been very creative with a trolley, some metal, some wood and some padding.
Bogger's Ramblings On Tents, Sleeping Bags And Other Stuff After swinging both ways for a while, ahem, Bogger is trying to find the happy middle ground with his camping kit.
Camping Meal - Pasta, Sauce And Hot Dog Ren brings us some culinary delights for the motorcycling camper.
Vango Equinox 350 Tent Review Ren reviews his amazing Vango Equinox 350 tent. It's strong, roomy, not too heavy and up to the job.
Lilos- The Ultimate Biker Friendly Camping Bed Sharon reviews a lilo...yes a lilo...and it is fantastic!
7 Need to Know Campsite Cooking Strategies - By Eric Stephenson
Staying Cool On A Motorcycle In Spain - By Ren Withnell
Motorcycle Camping List - By Ren Withnell An extensive and almost exhaustive list of things you may need when motorcycle camping. Don't worry you don't need it ALL!
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Reader's Comments

Mark C said :-
having bought a couple of helinox copy camping chairs the other year we found a bit of a problem with the feet sinking into the ground, the worry was also the original feet may puncture the ground sheet.
Problem solved by the installation of cheap rubber feet for walking sticks from wilco, they cost 75p each have a diameter of 22mm so with a good push they slip over the original feet, seemingly work well and no sign of damage to the ground sheet.
21/08/2020 10:12:48 UTC

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