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Upt'North ¹ said :-
Sorry Nige, that didn't warm me up one bit.
And as for campin in Wales in the winter, nuff said.
26/02/2025 17:14:44 UTC
nab301 said :-
Ok UPT, here's one from 2014
26/02/2025 18:13:14 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
Much better Whisky and Sunshine, I'm warm inside and out.
Keep em coming.
26/02/2025 18:36:49 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
Scotland in warm sun.
Midges, not so much.
26/02/2025 18:39:01 UTC
Rev. Mick! said :-
Is that the Dragon Rally that brought you to Betws?
A friend of mine rides from Kerry every year to the Dragon with his wife. Each year they ask me to go. I say "No" as it is freezing. Even though my expedition buddy Bob lives just above Betws.
Betws a nice place if you want to buy an ice axe or Carrabiner but not so good if you want a tin of beans.
Always avoid on Sundays, you can never park, the place is full of bikers. Plus the traffic corps is everywhere.
27/02/2025 08:27:49 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
I was NOT "doing" The Dragon Rally Rev. Mick! All will be explained in a few weeks...
27/02/2025 11:59:00 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our esteemed leader.....yes you Ed......your devotion to duty is inspiring Ed.
I see you have posted the "Spring Heading" already.
You're welcome.
02/03/2025 18:37:39 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
I'm so far behind...I'm ahead
02/03/2025 19:30:47 UTC
nab301 said :-
Upt , despite -3°c overnight It was bright and sunny and I went in search of genuine 100% proof 2025 sunshine on the 28th , Laragh co Wicklow , the things we do to keep you happy.
03/03/2025 11:44:45 UTC
nab301 said :-
And then on Sunday 02/03/25 my first longish trip of 2025, Hook head lighthouse in co Wexford,
03/03/2025 11:47:41 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
Nice pictures Nidger, glad you've been out bog hoppin.
Upt and happy.
03/03/2025 12:09:06 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
Sunshine? In Ireland? I don't believe it! Looks lovely nab301.
03/03/2025 13:00:35 UTC
KiwiJeff said :-
While you do have a bit of snow to put up with Japan had 6.00 metres in the area we were skiing so the below photo is of the carpark and the snow shaped like cars is cars they just have half a metre of overnight snow on them. No motorcycles were observed although there were plenty in and around Tokyo.The photo isn't the best but I'm too tight to upgrade my 8 year old phone!
06/03/2025 04:12:35 UTC
KiwiJeff said :-
On another topic I've been out sliding around on the local gravel roads for a couple of hours great fun. However on the last corner of our street which is smooth tarmac something grounded on the bike which gave me a moment. The below picture tells the story, it's not the side stand or the centre stand it's the rather large engine protector bars! While I'm a big fan of not damaging bits of the bike when I fall off I'm definitely not interested in sliding down the road due to the low protector bar fitted! Application of a hacksaw is tomorrow's job before the bike is ridden again! Anyone else had this happen? Must admit I hadn't considered this as a problem up to now.
06/03/2025 04:24:57 UTC
KiwiJeff said :-
Found a better holiday snap to make you realise how lucky you are with your light snowfalls! The diggers were working all day to keep the roads open this picture shows how deep the snow really was! Everybody cheered up now?
06/03/2025 05:06:02 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
Nice pictures KJ.
The engine bars on K1100LT's will touch the road but only after the pegs have folded up. It wasn't a problem because like everything else on the K's they were rubber mounted. I think?
06/03/2025 14:41:43 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
You gotten the engine bars down KiwiJeff? I think he's showing off his cornering prowess Upt' - don't encourage him...
No KiwiJeff - I've not had a situation where the engine bars tough down mid bend - unless I am actually in the act of having an accident/bad day/mishap. As Upt' said I would hope the footpegs touch down before the engine bars to at least warn you you're "really asking for it"
Snow sure looks pretty but I'm not enamored with the idea of digging my bike out to then slither and slide down the mountain for a bit of shopping.
07/03/2025 07:34:01 UTC
nab301 said :-
@ Kiwi Jeff, that is a lot of snow! As for grounding out engine bars, did you mention that was an ex training school Inazuma? I'd imagine the bars are designed to make the bike easier to pick up if dropped rather than allow the trainee to impress the instructor with their cornering abilities.
07/03/2025 15:42:25 UTC
KiwiJeff said :-
Nice picture of the Bandit Nigel the blue was my favorite but couldn't get one at the right price. My Inazuma wasn't a training school bike but definitely had been down a couple of times with learners, the less than pristine condition didnt concern me as was just cosmetic and I was going to use/abuse it on gravel roads. Offending crash bars now binned I'm not concerned with dropping it too much plenty of parts around as Inazuma sold really well in NZ and being a beginners bike a lot have ended up in the wreckers! Interestingly the Inazuma has kept their value with dealers asking £2000 for tidy bikes which considering they were only £2500 new some 8 to 12 years ago is exceptional retained value. They are considered bullet proof so that helps their value not bad for an old "Chinese" bike. Attached photo is details of one that sold last week, highest kilometres travelled I've seen still worth £800. I'm unlikely to wear mine out before I get to old to ride it!
08/03/2025 09:01:23 UTC
nab301 said :-
@KJ, that Bandit has moved on now but purchased as a 10 yr old with just 10k km's recorded in mint condition and one owner, it had over 40k km's when I sold it
My Dl250 has a mere 32k km's at the moment so judging by that Inazuma it has at least another 100k km's left in it!
15/03/2025 18:47:45 UTC
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