A motorcycle parked in front of a tent on a pleasant green campsite

Welcome To Bikes And Travels...

...It's about bikes... and travels... mostly on bikes!

2 motorcycles with luggage with stunning Welsh mountains in the background

Spring has sprung, now we have a few months of warm pleasant rain to enjoy after the cold and miserable rain of winter. What excitement and adventures will this year bring?

What's New?

Dull Roads And Strange Accommodation There's plenty of scenery but the ride is not so interesting today. The accommodation is unexpected in both good and bad ways.
Wurz Ren Bin Oh no! It's one of them excuse posts as Ren tries to wriggle his way out of his responsibilities. Actually it's been rather hectic at BAT Towers.
There's Drivers From Hell And Doggy Smell More random notes from Upt's road trip through Italy. There's a brief romance of the Canine kind and an opinion piece covering Italian driving. Suffice to say Upt's opinion ain't favourable.
Same Peninsula Different Language It's time to leave the beauty of Riano and head into the "Yellow Country". There's potholes and Ren making an ass of himself. Nothing new then.
Feeling Lucky In Riano Gird your loins dear readers - Sharon and Ren are accidentally having another "really good day". There's a glitch in The Matrix, buy a lottery ticket, this is a one time only special deal. Normal misery will return soon surely.
Form Dole To A Hole That's Closed Things don't go quite as planned for Upt' today but don't panic - all's well that ends well.
The Wonder That Is Riano What started out as a good day turns into a really good day. There is of course a mishap and some moaning, otherwise so far so good. What's the catch, there's gotta be a catch.
Off The Ferry And Into The Affray It's all waiting and chaos, confusion and queueing - and that's just getting off the ferry. Despite being in Spain the evening has a very English feel with an English friend.
From Coal To Dole These notes from the road provide a concise review of Upt's first 4 days of his European excursion. He makes it all sound so easy!
Upt's Autumn Bimble 2024 Title page for Upt' North's tale of executive level adventure through Europe.
See More What's New

Latest Posts

Dull Roads And Strange Accommodation Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
You know - I am fascinated and curious about Egyptian history - but from those I've spoken to who've been to Cairo I'm not feeling the urge to go. Firstly it's a big city and I'm not interested in cities, secondly I'm told it's rather "busy". I think a trip through the desert would be worthwhile, I've never been to a desert and I reckon the weather might be drier than Bolton.

Alas it's not going to happen just yet. I need someone to give me LOTS of money so I don't have to work and I can dedicate myself to riding motorcycles and writing my blog. Pffffft.
16/01/2025 08:15:29 UTC
Dull Roads And Strange Accommodation KiwiJeff said :-
Ren it's worse than you think. The below picture is taken from the Marriot Mena House Hotel breakfast terrace it is a spectacular place to have breakfast! For a moment there I thought you were planning a trip to Egypt to escape the ice outside your door! If you do go take the old CBF125 it would fit right in down there with all the other worn out singles plodding around. You may have to have Sharon on the back and borrow a couple of kids to put on the tank to really fit in.
Posted Image
15/01/2025 22:00:53 UTC
Royal Enfield Himalayan Review Ian Soady¹ said :-
Yes, it wasn't the best of boxes even in its Brum made version. The neutral finder was useful though....
15/01/2025 10:00:27 UTC
Dull Roads And Strange Accommodation Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
So let me get this straight. You're all saying you'd rather be out riding your motorcycle - even if the road is not perfect - than being stuck at work or doing the weekly shop? Anyone would think you're some kind of "enthusiast" or something.

There's no plans for an abroad trip this year at BAT towers too Upt'. There are already fixed plans for one Scottish trip and the hope of an invasion of some islands up there too in another trip. As for Yorkshire - there's some good riding and pretty places to see up (down to you) there.

nab301 - I always thought of The Pyramids as being way out in the remote desert, down a sand drifted road, with nothing more than a few tents to cater for the brave adventurers who'd come to visit. Then I found Google maps - check the link.

15/01/2025 08:05:10 UTC
Dull Roads And Strange Accommodation Bogger said :-
Oh forgot to mention. It's nice to have a pussy on your lap occasionally.

14/01/2025 22:39:38 UTC
Dull Roads And Strange Accommodation ROD¹ said :-
I am also with Bogger.
Although it is nice to ride new interesting and challenging roads, it just nice to ride any road on a bike.
On the subject of camping sites which may not be to your liking, if your trip is not planned out for each day, you can just move on the next morning.
14/01/2025 18:28:23 UTC
Royal Enfield Himalayan Review nab301 said :-
Ian , presumably the 4 speed Albion box then , they did look a bit primitive internally but set up correctly they worked fine albeit with long travel at the gear lever.
14/01/2025 16:28:57 UTC
Dull Roads And Strange Accommodation Upt'North ¹ said :-
Well said Bogger me'lad. Although for us it's a trip that enthuses the cells, not day rides. I mean, they just last a day. I'm hoping to explore some of Yorkshire this year with Er'Indoors, it's an area we tend to pass through and stops are normally limited to 30 minutes at Wetherby services.
I can't see us riding abroad this year, Er'Indoors is making me fly somewhere.
14/01/2025 16:21:25 UTC
Dull Roads And Strange Accommodation nab301 said :-
Ren, it all looks great to me , I love the contrasting photos between the viewing point with the dam and the apartment block .
14/01/2025 16:20:09 UTC
Dull Roads And Strange Accommodation Bogger said :-
I fully understand about being somewhat underwhelmed. But the thing is, even on an underwhelming type of a day it's still great to be on a bike.

14/01/2025 15:25:49 UTC
See More Comments

Latest Repair-Chat

Go To Repair-Chat Glyn said :-
I like the MT03 idea and engines are readily available from approx £500. Add that to the extras needed like CDI etc and I’ll be up around £1k. Fit that in the frame and it’ll certainly loose about half it’s current value instantly. However, complete TZR 250 engines are up for as much as £2k. The original output for the TZR is just shy of 50bhp. I’m sure the Himalayan would be a real headache to fit whereas the MT03 is fitted in a similar way to the TZR. Don’t worry, all this is hypothetical and won’t be happening.
16/01/2025 18:22:54 UTC
ROD¹ said :-
My Kawasaki KR1 was 59 hp, so the Yamaha is probably around that figure.
I believe the 450 Himalayan is around 40 hp.
15/01/2025 18:59:13 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
How about the 2024 Himalayan 450 engine? Probably as much bhp as the original.
Although that's a wild guess.
15/01/2025 08:40:16 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
And people wonder why I hate 2-strokes.

Errrrm. You know the MT03 (the twin, not the earlier single) motor is a cracker and should be small enough to fit. If you want good fuel then a CB500X/F/R/Rebel/CL? Power - then the MT07.
15/01/2025 08:10:25 UTC
Glyn said :-
I’m with you there Up’t, I remember a tube that was attached to the underside of the petroleum cap of my BSA Bantam. You turned the cap upside down and filled it with oil and that would equate to oil needed for a single gallon of fuel (that I paid 3 shillings and six pence for, todays money 17.5p). Everywhere I’ve read suggests that the Yamaha Autolube pump is very reliable although probably not as reliable as premix. Your experience would suggest otherwise. Pistons are not that expensive though. I’ve lightened it now, which engine did you suggest I drop in Ed?
Posted Image
15/01/2025 08:05:19 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
Now you've got my memory cells, who am I kidding, memory cell working. Does anyone remember the two stroke oil and redex dispensers on the forecourts. God I'm old!
My own experience of Yamaha auto lube was a lot of aluminium in lane 3 of the M6.
14/01/2025 23:28:48 UTC
Glyn said :-
I've been in the process of re-converting (that is converting it back) to run the TZR250 on the Yamaha Autolube pump. This is an oil injection system for the upper cylinder lubrication which squirts oil directly into the intake manifolds at an auto adjustable rate. The previous owner had changed the bike to run on premix 2 stroke petrol. However, they had not done it correctly. If you're going to do that then the pump should be removed completely and the hole blanked off. If you fail to do this the pump keeps working and, without lubrication, it can score the internal piston and bore of the pump. So, I've overhauled the pump and the system is bled, new hoses all around and the pump stroke set up. It must be a real pain to carry 2 stroke oil to the garage every time you fill up if you're a premix fanatic. The advantage of the autolube pump is that the oil still goes into the cylinders on long downhill runs with the throttle closed (2T engines can seize on premix because no petrol = no oil). Also, Yamaha fudge the polution figures with this system because there is less oil at tickover so less pollution whereas premix has the same oil ratio all the time. Most of the testing is carried out at tickover.
14/01/2025 18:06:33 UTC
Ian Soady¹ said :-
I know what you mean, Ren. They seems to control them with one hand on the left bar and the other on the seat, then whizz backwards and forwards at a rate of knots. If I tried that I'd end up in an untidy heap. Although my method of both hands on the bars is very inelegant at least I can stop when I want.
08/01/2025 14:18:57 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
We can all see you're using the decking as some kind of makeshift stand system Glyn, but never let the truth get in the way of a good story. I too wince somewhat when the whole motorcycle's weight is heaved onto the side stand although I have yet to see a side stand collapse under this duress. You should see how the bikes are moved around in bike shops by experienced handlers, scary.
08/01/2025 08:03:51 UTC
nab301 said :-
Looking excellent Glyn !
07/01/2025 16:55:35 UTC

Latest Chit-Chat

Go To Chit-Chat Upt'North ¹ said :-
Anybody got a pair of Weise Hydra troosers or know someone who has?
Are they warm, waterproof, quality, or not etc.
Ta me ducks.
17/01/2025 18:03:08 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
Bargain Bike Brands in Newcastle under Lyme are closing down and they really want to see the stock gone.
If you're in the market take a look online or in the shop, it's actually in Chesterton just off the A34.
I've just bought some replacement cheek pads for Er'Indoors helmet, they were starting to fail, BBB were way cheaper than the rest and free p and p.
14/01/2025 17:43:54 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
Nothing is perfect Ian, except me of course.

It is my understanding that all the manufacturers are supposed to follow a fixed protocol for the absolute basics in their computers. This is what allows these cheap OBD2 readers to provide BASIC diagnostic codes. These are typically the emission codes ie Lambda sensor error or MAF sensor error. I hope most manufacturers follow this protocol but they then make EVERYTHING else as complex as humanly possible.

We bring it on ourselves. I hear people complain that cars are too complicated then they go out and spend a fortune buying a car BECAUSE it has central locking electric windows Bluetooth connectivity tyre pressure monitors lane control heated seats... People like their gadgets so the manufacturers fit the gadgets. None of the car adverts claim "comes with hand cranked windows and a key for the door - all mechanical so you can fix it yourself".
13/01/2025 07:55:11 UTC
Ian Soady¹ said :-
Earlier generations of computer controlled cars did seem to be easier to use diagnostics on - eg the LR Discovery TD5 I had for a few years. I had a black box that plugged into it and was great for identifying dodgy components. But lately it seems we're back to swapping bits out which seems to defeatthe object.
11/01/2025 11:03:04 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
If you had to ask you wouldn't understand. Clearly.

Smile and nod and give someone the money to fix it. Or you could spend endless hours trawling the internet and trying out multiple options (opinions) and prey that you stumble upon the right option for your until then unknown problem. Once this is finally achieved sit there with the smug satisfaction that you've spent 80 hours surfing, 35 hours tinkering and £346 on parts (of which the only required part cost £35).

Progress innit.

This is what happens when you take something already quite complex (the infernal combustion engine) and make it super duper extra complex with emissions regulations, electronic self sensing AI cabin temperature climate control systems, AI cruise control and collision avoidance systems and 1024 programmable seating positions with massage. But no cigarette lighter any more because it's bad for you.
10/01/2025 16:17:24 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
It's a complicated world innit?
Or am I simple?
Which reminds me, I had a moment this week when I was reminded how ignorant and uneducated I am in all things "modern automotives". Er'Indoors EML refuses to be extinguished. I don't even notice it's on anymore.
I spoke to a "diagnostics expert" in hope of a possible fix for the "Bank 1" lambda light.
It went a bit like this,
Me, I've changed the sensor twice.
Him, that won't fix it.
Me, but that's the fault code.
Him, yes, but, no, but.....etc.
Me, so can you fix it.
Him, yes but it could be a lot of things, have you checked the fuel cap, oil cap filler, dipstick rubber, EVAC valve, inlet manifold, etc....
Me, but it says Bank 1.
Him, oh they all do that.
I'm going back to school, but obviously only for what goes on behind the bike shed, is that where I went wrong?
10/01/2025 13:38:36 UTC
Ian Soady¹ said :-
I take your points (and I did say 7200gb eg gigabits). But even so I still can't fathom it. Our copper connection supports 2 pcs as well as TV and set-top box. We never have any problem watching streaming services eg iplayer - no dropouts or buffering problems. But I accept we're probably classed as light users.

Anyway enough of this. Too cold to go in the garage to make cables for the little Norton and rejig the gear arrangement on the BSA/Zuki so will just think of silly things to say on forums.
10/01/2025 10:36:04 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
Oh and there's latency. Each time a packet is sent it takes a few milliseconds to reach the other end. Then the other end replies with a "yeah, got #223445645". This happens asynchronously, you can send lots of packets and the replies don't need to return before you send the next ones although some algorithms set limits on how many can be sent before replies start to come back. But a lot of time is used sending and receiving replies.

10/01/2025 08:11:43 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
Your maths ain't quite there Ian...

MegaBITS versus MegaBytes. Hard drives are usually measured in Bytes and internet connections in Bits. Why? Marketing of course - and history. Remember there's 8 bits in a byte... normally. Plus there's an overhead with TCP/IP. I'm 100% sure Ian knows this but for the rest - data is sent in packets.

Imagine you wanna post a BIG HUGE ENORMOUS filing cabinet of paper records. But you can only post one set of records at a time. You have to get each record, put it in an envelope with a name and address and return name and address. THEN you have to encrypt the envelope so you chop up the envelope and muddle the bits up and put them in another envelope. THAT envelope also has a name and address and return name and address on it.

By the time you've sent the filing cabinet of paper records through the post you've added around 8% more paper than you started with.
10/01/2025 08:04:55 UTC
Ian Soady¹ said :-
So at say 1gb that's (2*60*60) = 7200 gb. Far more than the disc capacity of most PCs. I think Ren nailed it in his first comment.
09/01/2025 17:17:54 UTC
Random Link - What An Easter Weekend

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