Camchain and tensioner seen up close in a cutaway bike engine


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Ian Soady¹ said :-
My guess is either the mounting is too flimsy or part of the horn is contacting something it shouldn't inhibiting its movement. Is there a prize? Fisrt prize a week riding round Alpine trails with Bogger. Second prize.....

15/07/2024 16:23:41 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
Not too flimsy, but the answer is in the bracket.
Thanks for playing.
Yes the second prize is two weeks!

15/07/2024 16:30:20 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
I quote from Denali -

Step 3: Mount the DENALI SoundBomb Mini
Securely attach the SoundBomb Mini to the chosen location on your motorcycle. Ensure that it is positioned in a way that maximizes sound projection while avoiding any interference with other components and potential direct spray from road spray.

It is recommended to not over tighten the bolt on the rear of the SoundBomb Mini. The horn should be secure, but should give way if rotated with pressure. Tighten the M6 nut to no more than 6.5 ft.-lbs. If the horn is too tight, it might not sound correctly.

- have you been overtightening your nut Upt'? It's those big butch muscles of yours, you need a delicate touch.

16/07/2024 07:34:21 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
Also from an installation guide -

Note: The Mounting Brackets must be used when installing the Horn. If mounted to a rigid bracket the sound output will be adversely affected.

- so if you've not overtightened your nut then your bracket is too firm. Stop giggling at the back!

16/07/2024 07:38:46 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
I can only guess that the horn needs to be free to vibrate. When you think about it it makes sense. Look at a speaker, the cone of the speaker is free to move , restrained by flexible material around the edges. If you place a finger on the speaker the sound is deadened. The Denali horn is the moving part of the speaker as a whole unit, as such it needs to be able to move, to vibrate. If it's securely mounted to a sturdy bracket it can't move.

You've overengineered your bracket Upt'.

16/07/2024 07:42:22 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
Oh poop. A week with Bogger on the Alpine Passes. DELETE DELETE DELETE!!!

16/07/2024 07:43:03 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
Yes Ed I did, it was the overly stiff bracket.
I changed it for two of the Denali steel strips back to back, I used the two because it's what I do and hey presto sound.
I've fitted these before and made my own bracketery but on this occasion I overdid things. Lesson learned. I replaced the rear securing nut with a nyloc because of the low advised torque, not that you can get a torque wrench in anyway. I used threadlockers on the securing bolt which went into a spare drilling on the engine, this probably also exacerbated the stiffy.
Well done Ed, you will get an email from a Nigerian princess to arrange your free prize. Have your bank details ready.
Anybody want some drilled, bent and twisted aluminium scrap. Polished and lacquered too!

16/07/2024 08:02:13 UTC
Ian Soady¹ said :-
That's interesting as all the horns I've fitted need a solid bracket otherwise can sound a bit weedy. Your version must as Ren says need to bracket to flex. I had a pair of Fiamm horns fitted to the Tiger - one either side of the radiator - and they worked well with a rigid bracket. I also fitted a relay to avoid excess current going through the switch. I kept meaning to fit a switch to cut out the high frequency one for town work as both together were deafening but never got round to it.

Posted Image

16/07/2024 16:12:56 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
Like I say Ian I didn't know it was a thing.
I'll attach a picture of the bracket I made it's 6.5 cm long.
It made the horn sound like it was stuck and unable to proceed to papping mode.
The two Denali steel brackets are probably around 1 cm longer and can be flexed with a little force.
I can attest that it's blummin loud.
Someone has told me since that there horn bracket corroded away on their car and when repositioned directly to the body it wouldn't work. Hung it off some flimsy steel and it worked once more.

Posted Image

16/07/2024 17:23:53 UTC
Ian Soady¹ said :-
Nice bracket Upt'! I looked up your denali horn - £65!!! My Fiamms are less than £30 a pair. But then I'm a cheapskae although not in Ren's class.

17/07/2024 10:00:36 UTC
nab301 said :-
As a 16 yr old (in the 70's ) I managed to purchase a set of 6v air horns ( proper air horns with compressor) for my MZ but I found that although very loud they made me completely invisible to other road users because they associated the noise with something a lot larger than a little old MZ....

17/07/2024 15:55:12 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
You forget Ian, our leader has taught me well.
£22.00 delivered.
I think you've probably looked at the wrong one too, but they could have gone up I spose. I bought it in the Jaunuary Sportsbike sale.

17/07/2024 18:48:00 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
I must admit it's a tad frustrating when someone cuts you up to forcefully jam on the horn to be met with a polite gentle "toot toot". Of course sounding the horn out of frustration rather than a warning of your presence to other drivers would be illegal, so I wouldn't do that.

18/07/2024 07:44:55 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
Couldn't agree more Ed, I try to avoid the frustration pap at all costs. No point.
The purpose for my own upgrade is so when you are approaching that hazard you can warn of your approach and be heard. Unfortunately this is a dying part of riding/driving and can often be misinterpreted as aggressive behaviour when it's quite the opposite.
In short, I'm here, look at me, let's not come together, thank you. Wave an acknowledgement and off we go. To be honest if you've got time to pap it when shit hits the fan it hasn't really hit the fan at all.
Pap pap.

18/07/2024 08:36:44 UTC
Ian Soady¹ said :-
Nigel - when I bought my first Commando way back in 1981 it had a set of those windtone horns with a compressor. The trouble was it took a couple of seconds to wind up to speed by which time the reason for using them had passed......

18/07/2024 12:21:43 UTC
nab301 said :-
Ian , I don't recall them being that bad but I did arrive home one day minus one of the trumpets so I ended up reverting to the standard horn.

18/07/2024 16:52:00 UTC
Ian Soady¹ said :-
Given the state of the rest of the wiring on that bike I suspect most of the volts and amps got lost in transit....

19/07/2024 10:06:36 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
Now THIS is how to buy a bit of oil for the next service...
Posted Image

24/07/2024 08:02:55 UTC
Ian Soady¹ said :-
I now get most of my oul from Smith and Allen in Darlington. Excellent prices and a huge range. They also have an ebay shop where you can get the same oils post free - see link.

24/07/2024 10:47:31 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
Looks to be in quite a similar vane Ian, their fully synthetic 10w40 motorcycle oil is a bit more expensive, but then there's is "SN" rather than "SL" which is an earlier standard.

24/07/2024 16:39:30 UTC

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