Camchain and tensioner seen up close in a cutaway bike engine


Sharon's Biking Blog

This is my blog...after 9 years on the back of a bike I'm starting out on my own 2 wheeled adventures...

Sharon Parker

Etsuko Sharon is enjoying her Z400 on a fulfilling and exciting level. Things don't always go the way you might hope though.
Street Fighter To Laid Back Tourer Sharon continues the transformation of her sporty Z400 into a hobbit sized touring machine. Not everything goes perfectly but there's a happy ending.
The Tourer Transformation Continues Sharon's shiny new Z400's transformation from naked street machine to grand tourer is well under way. She does enjoy spending money far too much for Ren's liking.
Z400 First Impressions Sharon's got the Z400 home. Now it needs some prep work and a first ride. Nothing is ever as simple as it should be in Sharon's world.
Fastest Purchase In The (North)West Join Sharon on a terrifying journey where she meets a stranger and throws money at him. There's fear and excitement and trepidation and joy. Buckle up!
The Sweet Aroma Of Desire "I've Been Thinking" - scary words. Sharon is thinking about thinking and overthinking thinking. Bear with her, she's thinking about new motorcycles.
In loving Memory Of Zen - My First Bike Love It's been a long time coming but alas and alack it's time to set Zen The Keeway 125 fly free. Get your hankies ready folks, it's a tearjerker.
Kindness - The Gift That Keeps On Giving In this state of lockdown Sharon is appreciating that the world is not actually a terrible place. In fact it doesn't take much to help make it wonderful.
Slip Sliding Away In preparation for her forthcoming trip to Scotland Sharon throws the Kwakker 250 down the road. Is this muppetry of just damnable sheer bad luck?
Kawasaki Z250SL or Z650, That Is The Question Is the Z250SL enough motorcycle for Sharon now she's an experienced rider? The problem is hobbitses have limited choices
See More

Reader's Comments

Rhona said :-
Hi Sharon it's really nice to read your blog as I feel I can relate to how you feel/felt about riding! I have just recently passed my CBT and have just put a deposit down on a CBF 125. I am fairly small and not particularly strong so worry often about dropping the bike or just struggling with it in general. As all the people I know with bikes are male no one else shares this worry! Before going out on roads and using it for commuting to work I am definitely just going to practice as much as possible in car parks etc. How long did it take you to become comfortable with your 125? Any advice really appreciated ! Thanks, Rhona
01/01/2000 00:00:00 UTC
Sharon said :-
Hi Rhona,
Congratulations on just completing your CBT and welcome to the wonderful fun filled world of biking. Wahoo!!!

One of the reasons I began to write my blog was in the hope that it might prove useful one day to other learner riders going through the same fears and nerves as I did as I began my biking journey. So it is so good to hear that you are making use of the blog.

I hate to say this but I will be truthful with you and the truth is you will probably at some stage drop your bike. This is particular true if like me you are only small. A stronger taller person has a greater margin of error than us little folk. Once we slip we are neither strong enough or tall enough to bring the bike back beyond its tipping point. But I tell you this not to dishearten you but to tell you you are not alone. Nearly every single learner I know has dropped their bike at least once and usually more than that. It even happens to the more experienced ones now and then, they just keep more quite about it hee hee.

The trick is not to feel too bad about the drop. Try if you can to wear it as a feather in your cap, I have been there and done that kind of pride. Turn it into something positive like a fresh chance to learn and practice picking your bike up. Of course if you are like me you may need to have a little sulk about it too on occasion as well. But always remember you are learning and mistakes teach us a lot.

You will over time find that you will get what I call bike fit. Certain muscles needed to manoeuvre the bike and control the bike will become stronger. You will also develop better techniques and once your confidence improves moving the bike about will also become much easier. I used to really struggle getting the bike on and off its main stand, now I can do it with ease.

Do not judge yourself by mine or others ability. Be comfortable with yourself and set your own goals that feel right to you. Sometimes it is good to have a more experienced friend with you who will help you by gently encouraging you to push yourself a little further but only when you have the basics firmly in place.

What area do you live in Rhonda? Maybe there is bike club near you that you could join which has lady members. Nothing like a bit of girl power to give you a boost. There are also some facebook pages dedicated to just the lady rider which are good places to get advice and support.

I know I am lucky in that I have a very experienced and patient ex-instructor for a boyfriend. So I got a lot of great advice and support from the outset. If you know a good rider who will come out with you on rides and whom will offer you advice and support then this will help you enormously. However riding with someone who is either over critical or even wanting to show off is a hindrance, so choose your riding companions carefully especially at first.

It is hard to really place a date on when I felt comfortable on my bike. I would say at a guess maybe around the 6 month mark was when I finally began to relax enough to really enjoy the ride. But it has only been recently so therefore about 10 months in that I now dare to use the word confident about how I sometimes feel while riding. More important than time is mileage. Every time you get on that bike, every mile you put under those tyres is knowledge and experienced gained. I now have nearly 7000 miles under my tyres and each and everyone of them has helped me become a more experienced and confident rider. But you as an individual with find your own timescales.

Expect to have good days and bad. One day everything will click and feel right another day and everything just feels wrong. The longer you ride the more good days you will have to out balance the bad. I used to have a pattern at first where a good day was always followed by a bad. I think after a good day I then had an expectation of myself that made me nervous and stressed for the next day. But a bad day usually meant things could only be better next time and they usually were. So get use to the ebb and flow.

If you have any other queries about anything in general or specific question please get in touch and I will be happy to help in any way I can. Please keep me updated about your progress I would love to know how you are getting along.

For now get out there Rhona, ride that bike and do it with a light heart and a big smile because I find riding to be the best therapy out there. In a stressful world my bike keeps me sane and smiling. XX
01/01/2000 00:00:00 UTC
Alan said :-

I have been reading your blog of the trials and tribulations, highs and lows of learning to ride a motorbike. I just did my CBT two weeks ago after my stepson presented me with a fait accompli. The sod booked me in for one when he booked his own. I haven't ridden since I was around 19 many, many, many years ago and even then it was my brothers Honda C90, not the most challenging bike to learn on, but was fun to ride. My stepson wants a Honda Grom but it's not my cup of tea, plus I can't flat feet the ground. I am not quite as petite as Sharon but my legs are on the short side. I am looking at a Yorkshire/ Chinese bike, the Honley HD01 or HD-3. Made in China for Earnshaws of Huddersfield to their quality specs. I think it may be on a par with Sharon's Zen as being decent in quality. To my untrained eye it looks like a clone of the Yamaha YBR125 at less than 2/3rds of the price so I think a lot of Yamaha parts will fit if I can't get original makers parts, especially accessories. So hopefully in the not too distant future I will become a full member of the biking siblinghood. I am a bit hyper self critical and like Sharon I really hate any kind of oral exam or having someone looking over my shoulder when doing things so reading her blog should help me as I practice for my full license. Like her I hope to get a lot of miles under my belt before I do my DAS. I did contemplate and intensive course but as someone said, theres a reason they are called crash courses. Fair weather and may all your rides be enjoyable.
23/10/2016 07:02:55 UTC
Sharon said :-
Greeting to you Alan,

How fabulous that you stepson put you back on the road to biking. Good lad.

I have seen the Honleys, and they look nice to me. If they are as good as my Zen you will hopefully be a happy man. I think as beginner bikes the higher quality Chinese bikes are hard to beat. It was painful enough to see a £1500 bike thrown onto the ground on numerous occasions whilst learning. I never had much trouble getting parts for the Keeway and they have always been fairly cheap.

Everyone will have their own opinion on whether a 125cc is the way to go or to go straight to the DAS course. I can only speak from personal experience and for me the time spent on my 125cc has been invaluable. I certainly do not regret the 2 years on my 125cc. How could I when I had so much fun. I totally believe that miles under your tyres is where you best gain experience and learn the most.

I love to hear stories of people learning to ride so if you ever get a chance it would be great to hear how you are getting along.
Unlike me try not to be too critical of yourself as you learn :-). Our mistakes as I learner do not define who we may be a future fully fledged biker.

Good luck with your biking journey and I hope you have as much fun as I have had. I am glad my blog may help you in someway and please feel free to drop me a line anytime if you need any further help or advise. We are always happy to help if we can.
25/10/2016 23:06:09 UTC
Andy said :-
In response too "Are you a terrified learner ?
I was

No match for me.
May I relay a few of my early experiences as a new rider.
It was 1981.
I was 18 and in the Army.
As is natural for any teen, I wanted some form of personal transport, and set my heart on a moped.
So I popped into a little motorcycle just across the road from where I was based, called CBS motorcycles, who are still there.
I'll never forget the old bespectacled bald chap in a long blue coat behind the counter.
In reality though, he was probably younger then I am now.
He was the owner, and after some discussion, he steered me away from a moped, towards a conventional motorcycle, in the form of a Kawasaki KC100 Companion,
Now remember back then, there was no legal requirement for any formal training, but this guy refused to sell me a bike without it, and so threw in a mornings training with a group called Star Rider.
He even delivered the bike to the training centre.
All of that was included in the price.
Bless him.
I owe that guy so much gratitude.
I'm sure a lot of dealers would have just sold me the bike and washed their hands of me, but he really seemed to care about my well being on a bike.
So commenced the training, and all I can say is that I was not a natural on a bike.
Twice I dropped it (without any significant damage fortunately), and at the end of the course, the instructor decided to escort me back to my barracks as he was so concerned about me.
The other students just rode off.
I remember him asking when we arrived, if I had any mates with bikes who could help me.
Actually I did, but the next day, so eager was I to try out my bike, that I just went off my own and promptly crashed into the back of a Volvo within a few hundred yards.
I just panicked as it was slowing down, and forgot where the brakes were.
No major damage fortunately, and a couple of weeks later I was back on the road, with straightened forks and a new mirror.
From then on things started to pick up.
I restricted myself to riding around camp for a week or two, closely supervised by a couple of my biking friends, before eventually taking to the road.
Again on my own, I ventured into a town called Twickenham just up the road.
It was all going well, until I spotted a police car coming the other way.
He gave me a cursory glance as he drove by, and I just panicked.
Why I don't know, but I sped off, and turned into the first side road I could find, got off and hid.
I peered around the corner to see if the copper was coming back, but he didn't.
To this day that makes me laugh to myself.
I wasn't doing anything wrong.
I was insured and taxed, on a brand new bike, but still, the site of a Police car just sent me into meltdown.
I think maybe deep down I felt that I just wasn't competent enough to be on a bike, and if stopped, I might get sussed and taken off the road.
Weird, but being on the road on a motorised vehicle was such a daunting experience for me then.
As time went on, and I got more miles in, I finally got to the stage where I wasn't a liability on the road, and that Summer over leave, I rode the little 100cc Kawasaki 250 miles to my parents house in Devon.
What an expedition that was.
I took me most of the day, but remains one of my most memorable biking experiences, and the A303/A30 remain my favourite roads to this day because of that.
Oh yes and it was on that trip I learned something else.
Bikes coming the other way kept flashing their lights at me.
By now I think you'll realize that I was quite paranoid on a bike, and I was thinking what am I doing wrong now.
I got off a few times, checked everything but couldn't see anything wrong.
But other bikes kept flashing at me.
Of course eventually I realized that they were just acknowledging a fellow rider.
Today of course it's a wave or a nod, but back then it was a headlamp flash.
Not that todays bigger bike riders would dream of acknowledging the rider of an L plated bike.
How different attitudes were back then.
Anyway, by now I had the bike bug, and whilst I was on leave in Devon, I traded the KC100 for a Honda CB250N Superdream, because that's what the cool guys back on camp had.
One last anecdote whilst on the subject of that bike.
I went for an evening ride up on the Moors the third day I had it, when I had to brake hard for a sheep that ran in front of me.
After that the bike wouldn't start.
It was late and deserted up there, and I'd broken down.
After a while I saw a car approaching and flagged it down.
The lady driver very kindly stopped, which is something I would advise my Wife never to do.
Anyway, I asked her to call out the AA for me and gave her my membership number.
My parents who I was staying with were both out for the night, and I didn't have the number where they were.
Luckily that lady called the AA out, and about an hour later the man turned up.
He was baffled, and had to go back to base and arrange for a recovery vehicle to come and take me and my bike home.
By now it was about 9pm, and I had to wait nearly two hours for the other vehicle to get there.
Dartmoor is a very scary place to be late at night on your own.
How did we manage in the days before mobile phones.
The next day I phoned up the dealer to tell them my new bike had gone wrong.
And that was the day I found out what the handlebar kill switch was.
I must have knocked it when I was braking for that sheep.
I was hopeless on a bike in my early days, but as time went on I developed into a competent rider.
The organisation I did my initial training with, also offered "advanced courses" which I did.
I think the secret to riding well and gaining confidence, is experience, training, and never believing that you are beyond learning.

18/02/2017 23:02:56 UTC
Ian Soady said :-
Nice tale Andy, and made me smile.

But "cool guys" riding superdreams? Hmmm......
19/02/2017 10:55:36 UTC
Borsuk said :-
During the late 70's the 250 Super Dream was for some strange reason, the must have bike if you didn't have a full license. It was a decent looking bike but I believe it wasn't as good as the competition, but it seemed to have a cult status. If you were even cooler you had a 400. My mates and I weren't cool, we shared my brothers C90.
19/02/2017 14:46:04 UTC
Andy said :-
I think it was because the 250N was a decent size bike for a 250 and resembled the CB750F
I made mine even slower and ill handling by fitting a Rickman Tempest fairing, which completely ruined it, but that didn't matter because it looked bigger and more grown up.
That was all that mattered.

19/02/2017 17:31:26 UTC
125Tony said :-
Hi Andy, yep nice post. Two things stuck a chord with me, my first epic journey which I did many times after and on lots of different bikes but like so many things in life you never forget the first time. Then total paranoia at the sight of a police car. I was a quivering wreck.
19/02/2017 19:10:06 UTC
Ren - The Ed said :-
I had a 1976 250 Dream which was the forerunner of the Superdream. Big. Heavy. Apparently worth a fortune in Japan now because some cartoon character rode one. Honda took an already overweight 400, sleeved it down for the UK market and created an overweight and underpowered 250. Still, considerably more reliable than the XS250 and GS250. I used my Dream for despathching. At 50k it started to eat the occasional follower and at about 65 or 70 thousand miles it's crank clattered into oblivion.

20/02/2017 08:27:37 UTC
Andy said :-
That's correct.
The 250 was originally designed as a 400 for the Japanese market where they have stepped licensing.
They sleeved it down to 250 to make it learner legal in the UK.
A much better bike was the CB250RS.
20/02/2017 13:41:21 UTC
Ren - The Ed said :-
The CB250RS has been discussed on this site before Andy. They're much loved but also known for eating their engine...
20/02/2017 13:54:53 UTC
Andy said :-
I did not know that.
The Superdream engine was bullet proof at least.
I did 35,000 miles on mine and never changed the oil.

20/02/2017 14:16:48 UTC
Ren - The Ed said :-
35,000 miles without an oil change?? That's not just poor maintenance that is motorcycle cruelty at its worst. I hope you are ashamed of yourself.
20/02/2017 16:02:41 UTC
Andy said :-
What can I say.
I was young, always skint, and irresponsible.
I only changed the pads when the brakes squealed in metal on metal agony.
The engine though still purred like a kitten up to the day I sold it to buy a CX500.

20/02/2017 22:17:25 UTC
Ren - The Ed said :-
Young and skint. Yes I know where you're coming from. I too committed crimes against motorcycling when I was a youth. Taking a link out of a chain because I'd run out of adjustment. Snapped chain soon after. DIY spoke tightening equalled even more buckled wheels. Leaving a motorcycle unlocked equalled one stolen bike.

I look at the youths these days on their bikes and despair. Then I recall what I was like at that age. Oh dear, how embarrassing.
21/02/2017 16:24:45 UTC
Kenny said :-
I read your excellent review of the Z250SL, and have bought one myself.

I noticed that you listed on the review that had purchased the Givi tanklock ring. Do you by any chance know which one it is, as I checked both the official Givi site and various other websites (i.e. none of which actually tell me which to go for!
24/04/2019 16:24:10 UTC
Sharon said :-
Hi Kenny,

Always good to hear from a fellow Kawasaki Z250SL owner. Hope your new purchase will give you miles of smiles too. Let me know how you get on with it.

My tank bag and givi tankring was a rare think indeed, rarer than hen's teeth, in so much it was a gift bought for me by Ren.

So I will double check with him but I am pretty sure it was the BF14 model. This is usually listed for the Ninja 300.
24/04/2019 18:29:59 UTC
said :-
That is great, ta for that. Have used the Givi tankring on other bikes so swear by em, just gave up with being able to use one on the Z250SL as couldn't find the model listed. You have given me hope! Have to say only had the Z250SL for a few weeks but love it, your review was spot on. What a great bike! Destined to be a future classic me thinks
25/04/2019 10:34:19 UTC
Ren - The Ed said :-
Sharon has checked Kenny, yes it was the BF14 model, same as the Ninja 300. And I don't know if it'll be a future classic but it sure is a good machine ain't it.
25/04/2019 14:08:10 UTC
David said :-
I'm really enjoying reading the articles on this fantastic site.

Not having ridden for years, I'm thinking about buying a bike. I have a full licence, and did a short refresher session, but have no gear or bike...

I'm all over the place when it comes to choosing a bike! I'm thinking about something along the lines of the Z250SL, or maybe the possibly more sedate Inazuma. I've read Sharon's reviews and comments on hers, and it appeals to me. However, I think I came across a comment by Ren saying that it hasn't been completely reliable, so I wondered what problems it's had. A more up-to-date review would be great!
19/09/2023 19:14:36 UTC
CrazyFrog said :-
Hi David, I'm sure either an Inazuma or Z250sl would be a very sensible choice as a first bike after a lay off. I can't remember any comments about the reliability of Sharon's Z250sl but it's a mainstream bike from one of the big 4 so I can't imagine it'd be a problem. The Inazuma is a physically larger and heavier bike, and whilst it may not have quite the oomph of the Z250sl, it'll still cruise all day at 70mph. I've had no problems with my own Inazuma in the year I've had it, and there is currently one for sale on eBay with 130,000 miles on the clock!
21/09/2023 15:58:36 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
Sharon's z250SL now has 34,000 miles on the clock - and I'm wondering where the comment about reliability comes from? Let me think... It has eaten a battery but that's to be expected. Servicing the tappets is a little fiddly but nowhere NEAR as bloody awkward as my 500 is. We change the oil, we put tyres on it, I've given the brakes a clean once. No, you'll have to remind me of the time it let us down? Snod - on the other hand - has had a right old time with his Z250SL but his was on the rough side to start with.

I agree with CrazyFrog. The Z250SL is small and for the bigger ride it might be cramped. I'm 5'8" and find it "small but acceptable", if you were over 6" it would look like you're trying to insert a suppository. I personally think the Z250SL is a more spritely and exciting ride than the Inazuma 250, but if I were to be taking a trip to Scotland or France I'd choose the 'Zuma for it's comfort and luggage space. Same would apply to the VStrom 250.

Honda's CB300R has a similar feel to the Z250 and the extra performance from the 300 engine is, frankly, barely noticeable. It's bigger though and well, you know, it's a Honda.
21/09/2023 19:50:27 UTC
David said :-
Thanks very much, CrazyFrog & Ren.

I can't remember on which blog entry there was something which suggested there had been problems with Sharon's Z250SL. I think the comment was something along the lines of "<< a different bike >> has been really good, which is more than can be said for Sharon's Z250SL - more to follow". However, I may have completely misremembered that!

I'm about 6' tall, but lightweight! However, perhaps the Z250SL would be slightly on the small side. I'm hoping to go to some dealers and have a look at some bikes, including a Z250SL and an Inazuma. The V-Strom 250 might also be interesting, but I don't think they were imported here for very long, so they seem to be even rarer.

Is the Z250SL a bit like a 2-stroke in having a noticeable power band?

I need to get some riding gear, including a helmet, which proved quite difficult when I last thought about buying a bike.

22/09/2023 10:33:08 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
Ooooh, I remember one thing - The Z250SL has a cowl around the fan and the cowl points down and allows muck from the front wheel to get into the fan motor. We had to make a protector - let me go find the link...
22/09/2023 10:46:24 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
The Z250SL is not at all like a stroker with a powerband. It's a 250 single 4 stroke, the engine is from the KLR250 although I believe it's in a *slightly* softer state of tune. No the power is progressive and as linear as I can tell. At 6' tall I'll be interested to see how you fit on the Kwakker.

Regarding helmets - it's all about the fit and not the price. Find the one that fits you best as they're all different and fit different heads differently.
22/09/2023 10:51:18 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
At 6' I think you'll feel like a round of beef on a Tom Tit.
Versus 300?
Bigger in stature, a little more power and more modern to boot.
I think it would make a good do anything bike, from commuting to one up touring.
22/09/2023 13:09:30 UTC
David said :-
Thanks again.

You and Sharon made a nice job of the fan protector, Ren, and it sounds like the bike has been reliable other than that. The smooth power delivery sounds good, too. Perhaps the bike would be too small, though. I'll just need to try it for size. I had hoped to get away tomorrow, but it looks like it will be another week or two before I get some time to wander around a bike shop.

I did have a sit on an old BMW R1150RS, but it wasn't in great condition, and it's probably not the wisest choice for a returning biker. It's also likely to be expensive to run (tyres, road tax and fuel economy etc), and it's quite a heavy old lump.

I also sat on a used Royal Enfield Meteor 350. I can't remember much about the physical bike, but watching some online reviews it appears to have similar performance to a 125, albeit with a bit more torque. I think it will get to 60mph on the clock and be happy sitting there, but although top speed is supposed to be an indicated 70mph it looks like it will struggle to get there, and won't hold that speed going up hills or into headwinds. I'm not too fussed about top speed (I've also been considering smaller capacity bikes) but I think it might be borderline too slow when riding on A roads. I was thinking the Inazuma might be a decent compromise - not too fast, but able to mix it with traffic on most roads.

Anyway, I'm keeping an open mind for now! I'll also look at the Versus 300 Upt'North mentioned.

Last time I couldn't get a helmet to fit with my glasses, but I now have different glasses, so I'm a bit more hopeful.
22/09/2023 15:01:33 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
If you still have problems with your glasses check these out.
The constructor full lens works well in a helmet and comes in different strengths.
22/09/2023 16:23:39 UTC
Scot-in-Exile said :-
As a Royal Enfield owner (New Classic and Hunter, I can say that all bikes with the J series 350 engine are much livelier than the average 125. Top speed is governed by a limiter at 71 mph, although I believe this is not fitted to the Hunter, which is much lighter than the Meteor and New Classic and therefore will be quicker to reach its upper limits.
These engines are very tractable and continue to loosen up once past the initial running-in period of around 1200 miles. As long as you are not looking for a motorway machine they are very capable, and so far, in my experience reliable machines.
22/09/2023 18:19:53 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
I've gotten my eye on the Hunter too Scot-in-Exile. On paper the Z250SL wipes the floor against it with 6 more BHP and about 30 kilos less to drag around. However numbers don't give the full picture, I'm hearing good reports with the bike having great character and being a delight to ride. It's all about what you're looking for, if you want to take the motorway to the south of France in a day you want a Gold Wing or big BMW. If you want to look around and see things and places and take it all in then the Hunter will do perfectly. And it'll have enough oomph to get you there and back well enough.
22/09/2023 18:59:41 UTC
said :-
The Hunter looks interesting, too. I wonder how the Royal Enfields' finishes would hold up to the sort of care Ren bestowed upon his 125. I suspect my bike would suffer similar treatment, albeit with less mechanical sympathy, fewer washes, and more infrequent servicing.

I also wonder about parts availability, especially in the long term.

I've just seen it's possible to buy a new Meteor for £3399, which is only £100 more than the used one I sat on, and a new one would have a 3-year warranty and bike recovery service. However, I'm still thinking along the lines of a used Inazuma or Z250SL or similar for now.
23/09/2023 12:22:49 UTC
Ian Soady¹ said :-
If ,you washed your bike less often than Ren you'd be into negative territory which is an interesting philosophical question....
23/09/2023 16:37:55 UTC
David said :-
I'm still mulling things over. However, I've tried on some helmets, and have probably decided on one. I'll go back on another day once my ears have settled down, and will try it again!

I was also able to look at and sit on an Inazuma, Z250SL and DL250 V-Strom, which was great. Not all were for sale.

The Inazuma felt like how I'd imagine a touring bike would feel, with quite high bars and a fairly upright riding position. However, when I went back to it after sitting on the DL250, I noticed that my knees were slightly bent, and my legs were slightly tucked up.

The Z250SL was for sale, and quite clean, other than a repair to the plastic to the side of the pillion seat. My legs were a bit more bent, with my feet behind me. I was told the sizing looked fine, but I was at the limit - I think my knees were only just fitting behind the tank moulding. However, that was with normal clothes, and perhaps I'd eat into that space if I were wearing boots and textile trousers with knee pads. The front end of the 'naked' bike felt strange, with the LCD quite close under my nose, and then nothing in front.

The 250 V-Strom was different again. My leg angle was more open (probably closer to 90 degrees). The riding position and handlebars felt even higher than the Inazuma's. The front fairing with the open section in the bottom, along with the tall screen (compared to the Inazuma's aftermarket screen) might take a bit of getting used to. I did wonder if the upright position might be uncomfortable to lower back and backside on longer rides.

The person I was with thought the Z250SL was a nice bike. However, I've since had a look for luggage options, and there doesn't seem to be any more options for this model now than when Sharon bought hers, so that's something I'll have to consider.

I think a dealer not too far from me has a CBR300R in stock, so that might be worth a look.

I suppose a road-biased trial bike such as a CRF250L might also be worth considering.

The guy I spoke with at the Suzuki place was hinting that most people would end up going for a larger capacity bike, and maybe I would soon wish I'd done that. However, I'm not sure that would be the case.
04/10/2023 16:34:36 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
Luggage for the Z250SL - you should note that the current Z125 is the same bike save for the motor AND has luggage options BUT there is a slight but important difference. The Z125 has bolt on footrest hangers and most luggage option use this as an attachment point. The Z250SL has welded on footrest hangers so any luggage would need some minor adaptations.

I would recommend the Z250SL to anyone... BUT if you're looking at luggage you're looking at miles I guess. If the Z250SL is cramped I may say the 250 Strom would be a better fit all around with luggage and size. Still... you'd miss that punchy 250 single.

CB300R is a smasher. Slightly bigger than the Kwak, but not a lot. Luggage is available. Good fuel economy and similar in character to the Z250SL. Lightweight as well. Note the plastic tank cover if you're looking for a tank bag.

CRF250 and CRF300 both great. Narrow seat can be uncomfy for distance, depends on your ass. Tubed tyres as well, great until they're not.

As for larger capacity? People have travelled the globe on C90s and 1.9 litre Harleys. Ride what you want and enjoy it, big or small.
04/10/2023 20:07:52 UTC
Crofty said :-
Ren I tried both 350 Royal Enfields when was looking for a replacement to the v strom 250. The Classic was okay but I wasn't too keen on the seating position, they have moved the foot pegs back from the Meteor position but still it felt a bit upright, a bit like sitting on the toilet it reminded me of. It went well and the finish is definitely much better than my old Himalayan. The Hunter was a different kettle of fish, 20 kgs lighter it feels faster and handles more sportier than the classic. I also liked the fact that it was considerably cheaper than the Classic, the tubeless tyres were also a big plus for me. But ultimately I was changing from the v strom 250 because of lack of power so it had to be the 500x.
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04/10/2023 20:52:57 UTC
Crofty said :-

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04/10/2023 20:54:01 UTC
Crofty said :-
David I did 15k miles on my v strom 250 { i did a final review on Nab301 v strom thread today if interested} i thought it was a great little bike and it has good luggage options and fabulous fuel economy.
If your considering sigles like the cbr300/crf300 have a look at the Voge 300 rally, nathanthepostman has done about 6k on his loaner and has some good you tube videos about it. its a fraction of the price of the Honda
04/10/2023 21:05:11 UTC
David said :-

Yes, I saw your review, Crofty. The DL250 does sound like a brilliant bike. The large tank and good fuel economy are positives - I hate visiting garages to fill up! I saw a video made by someone in Norway (I think) who got more than 600km from a tank!

I'm not yet sure how I would use the bike, but I'd definitely need to be able to carry some stuff with me, even if it's just a pack of sandwiches and a lump of fruit cake!

Ren, what does Sharon do with her crash helmet when she parks up and goes exploring on foot? Does she just take it with her, or is there space in her luggage to store it on the bike?

I did see some racks for the Z125, but also noted the different footpeg attachments. Do you think it would be an easy bodge to fit something designed for the Z125 onto the Z250SL using something like P-clips? Perhaps it would need custom brackets to be fabricated, and for the racks to be cut, bent or re-drilled, which could be a hassle.

The Z250 still appeals, and I think the size is probably fine. I'll try to have a look at the CBR300R and also a CBR250R if I can make it to the dealer.
04/10/2023 21:27:20 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
OH lordy David, you just love opening a can of worms. "Oh this top box is large enough for 2 helmets". Yeah if both of you have a head the size of a pea. My top box is always filled with puncture repair stuff, waterproofs, bits going to and from various places etc etc. It has been discussed on here previously but yeah helmets are a pain in the ass to carry around. If the weather's OK I have a long cable in the top box and we lock the lids to the bike(s).

I've not had a close enough look at the luggage for the Z125s but I'd be looking for something a bit more substantial than a p-clip. U-bolt, some kind of pipe clamps... whatever you did would require some faffing around and planning.
04/10/2023 21:57:36 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
Crofty - I am tempted by the Hunter. It just lacks, that, well, I dunno, Honda-ness that I've grown to love.
04/10/2023 21:58:54 UTC
David said :-
Thanks, Ren. It sounds like the contents of your topbox are similar to what I carry around in my bicycles' saddlebags!

At least there are racks available for the Z125, so even if I have to call in help, it should be possible to fit them to a Z250SL.

I've been reminiscing about my old 250cc bike - a Honda VT250F from around 1985. It was a stonker of a bike, and it seems that many recent and current 250's are a backwards step. The VT250F developed 35BHP and weighed 149Kg (according to Wikipedia). I remember it redlined at around 13,750rpm, and the needle would whizz around to the rev limiter, and the V-twin engine developed smooth power the whole way through the rev range. I think 0-60mph was around 5 - 6 seconds, and top speed was 100mph (I used to hit that most days back then!).

The picture is from Wikipedia, but my bike was the same colour.
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05/10/2023 13:10:22 UTC
nab301 said :-
I must say over the years I hated hard luggage with a vengeance and just strapped soft luggage on the pillion , using a rucksack for the short commute . However with advancing years I've come to appreciate top boxes especially when commuting and parking for the day. As mentioned in my write up on the DL 250, It came with full factory luggage but while the top box is in permanent use , the side cases have been used maybe once , none of the 3 boxes will accept a helmet and I find large top boxes and side cases can affect the handling.
Sandwiches and fruit cake can be carried in a tank bag !

You need to figure out what roads you'll be travelling on and whether you really need anything more than a top box . The Dl 250 is great up to 50mph but at motorway speeds 120kph/ 75mph is pulling 9k rpm although is smooth throughout the rev range . What bike did you ride on the refresher course ?
As a returning biker you'll probably need to ride a bike for 6 months just to get a feel for biking again in which case maybe buy something that ticks most of the boxes and is popular enough or cheap enough to sell on again if you decide not to keep biking or after 6 months you'll have more of an idea of what you want out of a bike and change to something more suited to your needs if not.

05/10/2023 16:12:17 UTC
Ian Soady¹ said :-
The other thing I would add is that I wouldn't buy a new bike as you will be hit with massive depreciation, especially, as Nigel says, you may want to dispose of it after some months. Look for something a year or so old that has been obviously cared for - no rusty nuts & bolts, droopy chain etc. It wouldn't bother me if it had done up to 10,000 miles or so but I know some people fight shy of what they think of as high mileages.
05/10/2023 17:05:38 UTC
David said :-
Thanks again.

I rode an MT-07 on my refresher course, but obviously didn't make use of any of its performance! I started off with some cone work, and then headed out for some town work in 20mph and 30mph zones, then onto a main road with bends. I was really just getting the feel of being on a bike again. I can't say I enjoyed the MT-07 at my cautious speeds, hence I'm thinking something with less performance which has a bit of character and which I can rev a bit when I get used to it without doing silly speeds.

I'm not thinking about buying a new bike - I'd prefer something older, and I'm not worried about mileage, as long as the bike is in good condition. I'm still just getting a feel for bikes, and I won't do any serious looking until I get my riding gear.

I was actually thinking about hiring a bike for a weekend to see how I get on. The place I was at earlier in the week does have a 250 V-Strom for hire.

I'll also look up the MOT history of bikes I'm interested in. I checked one out today, and it had advisories for the past few years, including things like 'bent front brake lever', 'chain too tight' and 'steering tight and notchy' - they can give you some indication of how well a bike has been looked after.

I just used to bungee carrier bags to the pillion seat, but I think it would be good to have a top box and the possibility of soft panniers etc.

I'd be mainly riding a mix of A roads and unclassied roads. I'd do a bit of commuting (around 15 miles each way) but might also want to load it up with some lightweight camping gear for the overnight camping trip.

05/10/2023 21:09:10 UTC
nab301 said :-
Hiring a bike sounds like a good idea and the V Strom 250 in my opinion might suit your needs , you can rev it out through the gears without exceeding 60mph and equally it'll pootle along in 20 mph zones perfectly smoothly.

06/10/2023 12:45:23 UTC

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