A motorcycle parked in front of a tent on a pleasant green campsite

Home Travel StoriesThem There Alps

A Cafe Lost In Time And A Funfair

Day 11

By Bogger

In the morning everywhere was sodden, but it had stopped raining. This was only to be a temporary lull though. We packed away as quick as we could before the heavens opened again. It was such a stark change from yesterday's weather. Today it was proper grim and cold. 

The Welsh contingent - Nige, Jason, and Ash - disappeared into the gloom, leaving myself Pete and Fatboy to bring up the rear a couple of minutes later. We were all heading for Ypres, in Belgium. After only a couple of miles it was lashing down, smashing.

It's only 130 miles to Ypres from Soissons, but it seemed to take us ages. We'd forgone breakfast again, just to get away before the deluge. About an hour into the journey we stop and decide to find a café on route to get something to eat and drink. Bearing in mind this is now mid-morning on Saturday, every café we pass is closed. We resign ourselves to going hungry and thirsty. 

Thirty miles or so before Ypres, still on French soil, I spy a café, in the middle of nowhere, at the side of the busy main road, with the front door open. We park the bikes up and wander inside. We must have walked through some type of time warp. Outside was the 21st century, inside we were back in the 1940's. 

The cafe on the street corner with ancient signs and looking very tired

The place was just like Renee Artois café in "Hello, Hello". Nothing had changed inside for at least 80yrs. It was very strange. There was a chap, not Renne, behind the little corner bar. He must have been well into his eighties. We exchanged pleasantries and I ordered three large coffees. His wife appeared from the back room a couple of minutes later with the smallest coffee cups I have ever seen in my life. 

All the time we were waiting I couldn't take my eyes off the décor, the mirrors, the advertising signs, in fact everything. Places like this really don't exist anymore. I was mesmerised, in a good, but sad sort of a way. 

Worn out signs and scruffy brickwork of the cafe

I think the three coffees were just over 5 Euros, I gave him ten and told him to keep the change. I dearly wanted to take some photos of the inside, but didn’t want to appear rude. I did take some from the outside which gives you a hint of what lay behind the front door.

We get on our way again and arrive at the campsite early afternoon. The last hour of riding had been dry but it was still very overcast. Whilst we're talking while setting up, Nige is amazed at the fuel economy of his CB125F. It's averaging in the region of 168mpg. He proudly exclaims that his Coleman petrol stove has used more fuel on this trip than his bike.

2 tent and 2 Cub 125s at the campsite in Ypres among the trees

We take in the emotional service and last post at the Menin Gate and then partake of some food and Belgium beer. We do this just for a comparison, of course. We need to know how the Belgium beer compares to the French beer we've been sampling. 

The large Menin Gate building with the front covered in Scaffold and a tower crane behind

Later on in the evening it gets a little out of hand when certain members of the group decide to have a go on the fairground rides in the town square. They couldn’t walk straight before they got on the rides, They certainly couldn’t when they got off. Kids! Back home tomorrow.

A blurry nighttime image of the bright lights on a ride in the streets of Ypres

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Reader's Comments

Upt'North ¹ said :-
Well? How did the beer compare?
And have some breakfast!
20/08/2024 13:12:36 UTC
nab301 said :-
Brilliant! you were in a Cafe decorated with paintings of the Fallen Madonna and served by the lovely Yvette...
I'm curious , what year is the CB125F Honda ? I'm guessing it's the '21 on model with the ESP engine? My'19 model will only do 130mpg at a push. 168mpg sounds great.

22/08/2024 12:04:44 UTC
Bogger said :-
Upt, the beer was lovely. But a lot stronger than the French beer we'd tried, Hic Burp.

Alas the lady that served the coffee was not Yvette or Mimi. More like Rennes mother in law, but older!

Yes Niges bike is a 21 model, the one with the offset crank/cylinder.

As for breakfast. I need to stop eating lunch and dinner as well.

23/08/2024 08:36:13 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
"lunch" and "dinner"?!?! Tha's talkin like a suvvenor Bogger, it's dinner 'n' tea. Pffffft

23/08/2024 13:04:17 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
Afternoon or high?
Ignore him Bogger, he's common.
23/08/2024 13:26:21 UTC
Bogger said :-
It's dinner and tea where I is from. However I was trying to drag this website up by its somewhat scruffy lapels.

I'll not bother in future.

23/08/2024 15:24:17 UTC
Ian Soady¹ said :-
There are loads of those sort of places in France, where the decor hasn't changed in decades. Not like here where pubs seem to need a makeover every few years to suit the latest fashion. And who pays?

Yet another thing I like about France as well as the relaxed opening hours and the universal (well maybe not in Paris) civility.
23/08/2024 15:59:23 UTC

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