The city of Nice seen from the surrounding hillside bathed in sunshine

Home Travel StoriesThem There Alps

Miles, More Miles, Cafes And Campsites

Day 10

By Bogger

We’ve now left the Alps way behind us and today's ride will have us mainly following the course of the River Seine all the way to Soissons. The only trouble with these trips is the fact that you know you're on your way back and start to feel a little deflated. I suppose it's the same as any other holiday really.

In the morning myself, Fatboy and Pete trundle the quarter of a mile to Dole in the search of a supermarket for breakfast. Nige had given us some brief directions. Directions that we all forgot within two seconds of setting off. We did a couple of circuits of Dole to no avail. We did, however, happen upon Chez Tina, a delightful little café near the town centre. Here we partook of fresh coffee and Pain au Chocolate that the proprietor sent out for. We obviously sat outside and chilled out for half an hour. In fact we treated ourselves to another coffee. 

A simple cafe in Dole, France, proudly showing Chez Tina as it's name
2 of Boggers friends enjoying the coffee outside of Chez Tina

Reluctantly we made our way back to the campsite to sweep up the rest of the crew for the journey to Soissons. With Nige leading for most of the trip I am sometimes unaware of the specific route we might take around a large town or city. This was the case this morning. I think we skirted Dijon, again, to the East side, we then headed West to get on to the D971 towards Saint-Seine-L’Abbaye, then onto Chanceaux through the rolling countryside. There's more "Seine" towns and villages to come, all of which are very quaint, picturesque and quintessentially French.

A street sign stating La Seine on a sone bridge on prett countryside

On through the rolling countryside to Aisy-sur-Sein, then Nod-sur-Seine. We stop at lunchtime, at the larger town of Chatillon-sur-Seine. We stock up with Sandwiches and drinks and continue for another fifteen miles, where we stop again to consume our comestibles. Obviously we stopped by the side of the Seine, where else? At a place called Mussy-sur-Seine. It was achingly beautiful, all helped by the very warm weather. We idly passed an hour here, eating and chatting. To be honest I could have stopped forever, it was that nice. 

4 125cc motorcycle laden with camping and travel luggage by the side of a peaceful French road

Alas more miles to go yet, at least another 140 of them. My backside ached at just the thought of it. We had a couple of further very quick breaks on the route to Soissons to give our bums a well earned rest. We finally arrive at Camping Municipal de Soissons at 5pm after 243 miles, very tired.

We were all a bit disappointed with the campsite. We had stayed there in previous years and it had been very well kept. Not so much this time. It was ok but not brilliant. We set up and got a meal on the go. Half way through the meal the heavens opened and it didn’t stop all night. Only one thing for it, we’ll have to drink some beer!

2 chaps cooking and drinking under a tarp on grass

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