Bike Reviews
Long Term Review Of Keeway RKS 125
Review Date December 2016
By Sharon Parker
Zen my little Chinese Keeway RKS 125 is now over 3 years old. Old enough to require an MOT which I am glad to report he passed with no problem.
This little plucky bike now has over 23,000 miles on the clock. He has been up hills and down dales. He has been through the worse that winters can throw at him including all the rain and the dreaded salt. He has been to Scotland and even across the ocean (aboard a Ferry of course, he is good but not quite that good) to the Netherlands.
He has been dropped more times than I care to remember and had his little engine revved to the max.
New or old?
So after all this how has he fared? Is the Keeway now just a small pile of rust that I keep in a vase in remembrance of fun days gone by? After all that was what I had be warned by the "Chinese is crap" brigade. You know the ones, those who have never actually owned a Chinese bike but like to churn out the same old things despite the fact that time and quality has moved on.
Ok maybe there are still some Chinese crap motorbikes out there? I am no expert, I can only tell you about my own personal experience with my own Keeway RKS 125.
I have had people say to me that my bike must be an exception. Yes he has been well looked after but from what I can tell most people with Keeways seem happy with them, so I think not.
He has not been 100% trouble free but what bike is?
He has had new chains and sprockets which it what you would expect. A new battery, again nothing unusual in that and he required new piston rings after burning a little oil. A new gasket has been installed along with various levers due to me throwing it on the floor and of course new tyres. Nothing outstanding in that lot, nothing to indicate that the Chinese manufactured Keeway is a pile of rubbish. Nearly all of the above is general wear and tear that you would expect from any make and model of bike.
At this present moment he is still a joy to ride with no current problems. The fact I choose to keep him when I bought a bigger bike speaks volumes. As does the fact I still choose to ride him on occasions as well as my new bike. He still gives me so much joy and fun.
So would I recommend the Keeway RKS 125cc ...YES. Would I say go and buy one...YES without a moments hesitation.
He has been more than worth his £1500 price tag. I have said it before I cannot speak for other Chinese makes only the Keeway as this is only one I have personally owned but here in this bike lies the truth, that it is about time we accepted that Chinese bikes have come a long way in recent years and quality is most definitely on the up.
And here he today....no rust bucket, no pile of junk, I think the pictures speak for themselves so I believe I have nothing else to add here on this update...hopefully this update is small but perfectly formed and up to the job...just like the Keeway RKS 125 is himself.

See also:-
Keeway RKS 125 Review 2013
Short Update Review On Keeway RKS 125cc - April 2014
Birthday Update on 2 year old Keeway RKS 125cc
Scotland, 1300 miles on a 125cc
The Netherlands 2016
Reader's Comments
Ash said :-
I brought a keeway rks in August and I haven't been able to find or get into neutral. Has anyone had the same issues.
12/01/2017 22:53:38 UTC
Ian Soady said :-
I don't know the particular bike but that sort of problem is often caused by poor clutch adjustment. Your handbook should tell you how to do it.
Otherwise it may be clutch drag where the plates aren't separating properly or are sticking together - possibly caused by incorrect / old oil. If adjustment doesn't sort it out then it would be worth trying an oil change.
Have you had the bike from new? Did you buy it from a dealer? If the answer is Yes to either then I would be taking it back.
13/01/2017 10:41:32 UTC
Ren - The Ed said :-
Yeah I think you're on the mark there Ian. Ash if the bike isn't under warranty and your unfamiliar with their workings you'll need the guidance of a mechanic or at least a mechanically minded friend.
When started out I was worse than clueless, I have moved up to "educated guessing" these days.
13/01/2017 17:38:08 UTC
Alan said :-
Has any one had a problem with the rkv 125 that kangaroos in every gear at 6rpm. I am now stuck on how to fix the issiue
27/07/2017 18:21:12 UTC
said :-
05/06/2018 06:18:15 UTC
lee bowling said :-
Hi i have just bought a keeyway rkv 125,first thing i changed oil and 2 bits dropped out anyone know what they are far as i can find out its spring latch and neutral latch.what damage what it do with out them in?
06/08/2018 16:09:28 UTC
Ren - The Ed said :-
I believe it is one of 2 gear selector drum locating pins. Do a google images search for
"gear selector drum locating pins k157fmi"
It sits at the end of the gear selector. I have not seen anything like this before, I suspect it's to do with keeping the bike in gear. My concern is the risk of the bike coming out of gear when you least need it to.
If my suspicions are correct to check and replace the pins would require a total motor strip down. Urgh.
06/08/2018 21:10:05 UTC
Ian Soady said :-
As you know I'm not familiar with the bike, however that looks like what is usually called an indexing plunger. It doesn't actually keep the bike in gear as such but locates in indents in the selector disc / drum so that when you change gear the disc / drum stops in the right place
The gears don't (shouldn't) jump out because the dogs are normally made with a slight undercut so that they tend to hold themselves in mesh when power is applied.
Presumably you removed the wrong plug and these came out from under it? I'd be tempted to put it back (plunger then spring then plug) and see whether you can engage the gears with the bike on the stand.
The picture shows how it works on an entirely different bike.
07/08/2018 09:24:58 UTC
Ren - The Ed said :-
Having seen the fiche for the K157FMI (which is similar to the KW157FMI engine of the Keeway but NOT the same) I can see and agree with you Ian. It is hidden behind the actuator from the foot lever.
If it were my bike and it was working OK I would probably leave it. My concern is that Lee has his "not quite right" gearbox lock up on him and throw him down the road and then he comes back to me saying "You said it'd be alright!!"
To repair the mechanism I think the right side crankcase would need to come off and the clutch basket. All do-able by a competent home mechanic but perhaps beyond a novice for their first time.
07/08/2018 13:21:02 UTC
Lee said :-
Thanks for comment guys, yes it does still select and go in gear it does still ride, I dropped the oil sump and these fell out, I'm not sure what my way forward with is?
10/08/2018 17:06:21 UTC
Ren - The Ed said :-
What you want is for someone to tell you what to do.
The correct thing to advise is seek the assistance of an experienced and trustworthy professional - preferably your local Keeway dealer.
We here can only offer you our OPINION based on our own experience. If it were my own motorcycle I would strip the engine and replace the parts. Another opinion is that the bike is working and if it ain't broke don't fix it. You're always going to come across different opinions and it's always going to be your own choice at the end of the day.
10/08/2018 19:29:08 UTC
Joe said :-
Hi all,
I am a newbie and I an considering to purchase a 125. I am considering a Keeway RKV 2018 model. What are your thoughts when compared to a CB125F.
20/08/2018 08:53:09 UTC
Ren - The Ed said :-
Hi Joe.
As with most questions here you're asking a very very broad question. There are a lot of things to consider.
Both bikes are fine to ride. If you're tall you may find the Keeway a little small - you'll have to have a sit on it.
The Honda will cost more but hold it's resell value better than the Keeway - how long do you plan to keep it?
The Keeway is cheaper, considerably cheaper, but you'll struggle to find aftermarket parts if you plan on maintaining it yourself.
If you're doing a lot of miles the Honda will use a little less fuel than the Keeway - but not a lot.
And so on and so on. If you are a new learner who's never ridden a motorcycle before I personally would go for the Keeway. The initial price is cheaper. Find out if you like motorcycling. Find out what kind of bikes you like. Find out how many miles a year you're going to ride. Find out what features you like. Then when you've been riding a while you'll know yourself if which bike you want.
20/08/2018 12:04:09 UTC
Rod said :-
Hi Joe, Just to give a second opinion, I agree with the points that Ren has made.
As a new rider I would go for the Keeway. Do not believe all that people say about poor quality Chinese bikes, the Keeway seems to be one of the better quality Chinese bikes.
20/08/2018 17:13:35 UTC
Henrik said :-
Seccondhand CB125F, with low milage, 1-3 years old,...
Would be my choice
20/08/2018 18:05:17 UTC
Ren - The Ed said :-
Keeway quality is pretty good Rod. Good point regarding second hand Henrik. Some people are quite nervous about second hand stuff though if they aren't wizened old timers like us.
20/08/2018 20:16:24 UTC
Joe said :-
Hi Ren,
Thanks for the tips. I share the same thoughts.
I plan to use it for short commutes of 30km. But at the same looking for a reliable initial machine with good handling, braking and ergonomics. I am 1.74m tall.
Seeing other utube reviews they are saying that the switchgear is crap of the Keeway.
21/08/2018 06:03:54 UTC
Ren - The Ed said :-
Well I can only comment on Sharon's Keeway. When we first purchased the bike we had a teething problem with the electrics that was fixed for free under warranty by the shop. Since then Sharon's bike now has 24,00 miles on the clock and the switchgear has been just fine.
The handling is fine. Sharon has had 2 tank slappers but we suspect that's because of the tyres. Also weight - she's tiny and 50kg wet through. I've gone totally mental on that poor Keeway and loved every minute. You're roughly the same height as myself. You will fit on the bike but they are small. I do strongly suggest you have a sit on both of them.
Sharon and I have spent an age on this site dispelling the myths of "Cheap Chinese crap." We have been very pleased with the Keeway. Of course this being me there is always a "But..."
My CBF125 (the forerunner of the CB125F) now has 75,000 miles on the clock. While it has not been 100% reliable it has been a fabulously wonderful investment. I have toured and commuted on it. I suppose what I'm trying to say is my Honda can prove it's longevity, the Keeway is still proving it.
21/08/2018 07:35:26 UTC
Joe said :-
Ok guys thanks for your help. I am trying to avoid 2nd hand. I will try to sit on both to compare.
Cheers and keep this site going. I was lucky to stumble on it ??
21/08/2018 11:40:00 UTC
said :-
05/09/2018 18:54:31 UTC
James D said :-
I purchased a 2014 model with 11K on the clock from a yoof who owned it since new for the sum of £500 cash and which had been stored in a garden for 12 months after failing it's MOT for a notchy steering head bearing. (just for info this was April 2019)
The doom and gloom keyboard warriors came out in force aplenty, apparently "You cannot get spares" "it will be a pile of rust" "the engine is made of cheese" - well guess what Mr Keyboard Idjut, i ordered top/bottom steering head bearings, fork seals, brake pads, battery, wheel bearings and a fuel tap the same day which was delivered the following day. It Passed MOT first time, the engine completed the Lands End to john o Groats run at mostly max throttle in 5 fantastic days and been ridden back to Devon where i live and it's now just been sold for more than i paid for both the bike and the (apparently unavailable spares) that i purchased and fitted.
A very good solidly built machine.
25/06/2019 14:09:58 UTC
Ren - The Ed said :-
That sounds like a jolly old trip James D, Lands End to John o'Groats on a 125 in 5 days. That's what, 900 miles so that's roughly 180 miles a day. Sharon and I have done just one 260 mile day on the 125s but I wouldn't recommend it on a regular basis (que reader who probably thinks nothing of doing 400 miles every day for a month on a 1976 CG125...).
Yeah, there's not a lot wrong with the Keeways, it's usually the owners that are the issue.
26/06/2019 13:25:48 UTC
john said :-
Hi i have a keeway 125 rks sport i have no 3rd of 4th gear dose anyone no what the problem could be
15/07/2019 16:52:19 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
Sounds to me like the 3-4 selector fork is broken.
15/07/2019 20:00:30 UTC
john said :-
Hi ren the ed is that right in side the caseing as ive got most of it apart and dont want to split it if i dont have to thats why ive asked on her thanks
17/07/2019 15:27:39 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
It is one seriously fiddly job splitting the crankcases and messing with the gear box. I'd double double check the selector mechanism first. Learn how it goes up and down the gears and see if you can spot anything amiss. Once you're sure the selector mech is working then I fear the next step would be getting inside the gearbox. Sorry chief, I hope it works out.
17/07/2019 15:33:11 UTC
malcolm said :-
Thank you for a very informative review. I am looking for a first bike for my newly CBT'd daughter and I now have Keeway RKS on the list. I wish other reviewers (including those who apparently do it for a living) would read your review and take note!
30/08/2019 16:49:55 UTC
keith said :-
got this on my bike P0685 error on a keeway rks how do you solve-any ideas
24/12/2019 11:37:01 UTC
Upt'North said :-
Keith, according to the www it refers to low/no power to ecu.
Is your battery in good health.
Are the fuses OK.
24/12/2019 18:01:08 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
Keith - I'd have to assume you have a later model Keeway than Sharon's to get an error code. Sharon's is "dumb" CDI and carburettor. I concur from what little I can find on the web the only suggestion is low power to the ECU.
25/12/2019 07:15:12 UTC
ted said :-
i dont quite beleive thepictures of the bike sharon is talking about i have a 2018 model was immaculate when bought im an experienced rider of 40 yrs experience and a full licence holder , withen weeks rust began to appear just about everywhere and yes bike is garaged every night and yes washed and polished very regularly i even WD40 it after every ride and still it has rust . Also the tyres are really bad especially the front one it is way too narrow and the bike almost wobbles and twitches at any speed , if there is more of a breeze than would blow a candle out i struggle to get over 35 mph . would i buy one never again , i am very sad that i have wasted my money i have a short urban commute and hoped to have a 125 for the job . i actually fear riding this wretched machine as it drains any confidence out of me , i wish i could get a 125 from my era .
03/04/2020 13:34:28 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
I'm really sorry to hear you're having a bad time with the Keeway Ted. I don't know off the top of my head if there are many differences between the 2013 and 2018 versions of the RKS125. Today is 4 April 2020 and it would be about 4 or 5 weeks since Sharon and I last used "Zen", Sharon's now 7 year old model.
She doesn't use it much but it started first or second prod even after a winter in the tin shed. It still rides just fine and works as it should. The exhaust is rusting a little but nothing to worry about and the rest of the bike is, well, ageing as well as any high-end jap back from "back in the day".
04/04/2020 10:16:30 UTC
Mark said :-
I have a keeway rks 125 2019, it keeps giving me high reves when the bike gets warm, in first letting go of the clutch and throttle it goes on it's own, any ideas why this could be happening please?
20/05/2020 14:56:03 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
2019 model Mark? That will likely be fuel injected.
First off at 2019 it should be under warranty! Take it back to the shop or another Keeway dealer and see if they'll sort it out.
What do you mean by high revs? It should tickover at roughly between 1300 and 1500rpm. That might seem high if you're used to cars that usually tickover at 800.
If it is carburetted then there is an idle screw you can adjust, if it is fuel injection then DO NOT alter anything on the throttle body. Also check there is a small amount of freeplay in the throttle cable.
We'd need more details otherwise.
20/05/2020 17:43:11 UTC
Mark said :-
Hi Ren, thank you for the advice, it is fuel injected and I've had a look round the bike for any blockages that could cause the over-heat problem, theres only a patter of air getting pushed through the filter, to control the airflow would that be through the garage computer or is there something I can do myself?
20/05/2020 19:39:14 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
What makes you think it is overheating?
The airflow is controlled by a regular butterfly valve in the throttle body, much as you'd find in a carburettor. The onboard computer monitors the airflow and throttle position and comes up with a calculation as to how much fuel is required. The tickover *MIGHT* be set with an air idle control valve but it is possible that there is an throttle stop screw like the old carbs. I only recently learnt this from another reader on here.
If it is overheating AND the revs are high I'd also look for an air leak where the throttle body meets the engine, the rubberised connection usually. As the computer is unlikely to monitor this part it would confuse the program.
I'll see if I can find out if there is a tickover throttle stop screw on the later Keeways.
20/05/2020 20:51:55 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
Part number 280024320000 is a stepper motor and as far as I can tell this is the air idle control valve. This means the tickover is controlled by the computer and not using a tradition throttle stop screw.
I'd try getting a little smoke close to the throttle body to check and see if it's being sucked in where it ought not to be. Oh! Also, this will sound strange but run with me... check the tappets settings.
20/05/2020 20:59:48 UTC
GnomieGrace said :-
Hi, I am seriously considering this bike as my learner when I get my CBT next month (lockdown permitting, booked for the 11th July). I am a complete novice and have wanted to ride for 20yrs,maybe its a mid-life crisis like my husband thinks or maybe I am finally doing what my parents didn't want me to do at 17! Whichever one it is, I want to do it properly and have got my theory booked and plan to get my A1 by the time my office re-opens. Is this a good choice for a complete novice, are parts fairly OK to come by and maintenance easy? The extent of my car maintenance is topping up oil and washer fluid and replacing hub caps. Would you recommend for this level of learner? I have been recommended the Keeway brand for this class of bike. Anything I need to be conscious of? Thanks in advance.
14/06/2020 09:53:53 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
Hi GnomieGrace. That's a BIG question!
Is it a good bike for a complete novice? Yes it's as easy to ride as any other 125, but then most 125s are easy enough to ride. Sharon's 125 and we also have a friend with 125, I've ridden both and they both ride well. Neutral can be fiddly to find, just a little more fiddly than some.
In terms of reliability Sharon's bike has been as good as we could hope.
Parts are available from Keeway dealers. It's worth noting Keeways are not covered too well by the aftermarket suppliers, you can get really cheap parts for brands like Lexmoto but Keeways seem to be more elusive.
If I knew you were very serious about motorcycling and were planning to keep the bike for 10 years and cover 50,000 miles I would still err towards the Honda CB125F or the Yamaha YS125. Both these bike are comparatively expensive though. As this is your first bike and you have nothing to form opinions on then Keeway's are good solid bikes for starters.
You really really must get someone to show you how to lubricate the chain and cover all the daily checks, weekly checks and general maintenance. Motorcycles, even the very highest quality and most expensive, require considerably more looking after than cars.
14/06/2020 18:28:37 UTC
Upt'North said :-
Hi GG.
I'm with Ed, again that really annoys me.
You may be better locating a nearly new Honda, see if it fits, I'm guessing you're not huge, hence GG.
If you know nothing about bike maintenance then find someone who does and post on here if you want more help. Also fit protection bars so that if/when it falls over all will be well'ish.
14/06/2020 23:48:39 UTC
GnomieGrace said :-
Thanks both, yes 5'3" and weigh 50kg so not looking for a massive bike. I want a starter to commute on for a year or two before deciding whether to stick at 125 or move up to an A2 license. I luckily have 3 good friends who are all life long bikers, but they all did their training years ago (34 in one case) and all are happy to show me the basic maintenance. I was originally looking more in the japenese market but my hubby has set me a price range and even second hand they are outside of it. Also you just don't know how well maintained they have been. Thanks for the tip on the protection bars as I am planning to have it a couple of years that may well be worth it. Also I have a very reputable Keeway dealer locally who has come highly recommended by another biker I know who used to sell bikes as well as being a motorcycle mechanic. He suggested the Keeway brand initially. But it is always good to do some real research and talk to people who have owned for a few years. So I have booked my CBT for the 11th July and my theory for the 16th with the plan to do a few months on L plates and then take my A1 as soon as I feel ready. I will pop by and let you know what I get in the end.
16/06/2020 08:22:00 UTC
Upt'North said :-
I think you're sorted GG, good dealer, friends and if that doesn't work there's always Ed. Just don't let him bodge on it. Good luck and you will not stay with a 125. Few do.
16/06/2020 09:10:49 UTC
Upt'North said :-
As an aside GG, I've just seen Honda have £200.00 off 125's and two years 0%.
16/06/2020 09:23:20 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
Who's ya local Keeway dealer GnomieGrace. And 5 foot 3! You're a giant compared to the diminutive Sharon. She was 5 feet nothing but recent events at the doctors suggest she's shrunk to 4 feet 11 and a bit now. In another 10 years she will be barely an atom.
16/06/2020 12:01:39 UTC
Cappers said :-
Hi, I have just picked up a Keeway superlight 125 efi, the idle is running at 3000 and I am struggling to find the adjuster if there is one. How can I reset the idle to nearer 1500?
18/06/2020 16:51:29 UTC
Bob said :-
Sorry to troll but:
New piston in under 20000 miles
ECU faults.
Bits dropping out with engine oil
Idle speed issues
Not selling it to me here.....
18/06/2020 22:59:46 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
Cappers - I'm not familiar enough with the Superlight 125 to say if it is adjustable.
Bob - I take your point - but, there's always a but. Sharon's Keeway has been a gud'un. What does make me think is Keeways just don't seem to be quite as well supported as some other Chinese marques in the aftermarket field. I can get ECUs, engine parts, full engines and everything else as cheap as chips for say Lexmoto.
When we purchased Sharon's bike we didn't even know if she'd like riding. Most of the used Jap bikes were still too big for her otherwise she'd have had a CG125 or CBF125. So the £1500 for 2 years warranty and the opportunity to see if she liked motorcycling made sense.
19/06/2020 08:40:59 UTC
Sharon said :-
Why do bikes of the same make and model have such differing opinions by their owners? Why do some have problems and some don't? Well for what it is worth and it may be worth very little here are my thoughts.
Firstly opinions are just that, what one person likes another dislikes so you can not account for that as that is rather personal. But mechanical problems well that is different. Why did my Keeway just keep on rolling mile after mile with virtually no problems. Off to Scotland, around the Netherlands it just never let me down. It began rusting later then my current Kawasaki, so why do some report rust early on?
Was the 13 plate built better than its more modern counterparts? If so is this just a Keeway problem or a universal one with all brands? My Kawasaki is a beautiful thing in terms of engineering. It is a joy to ride but the finishing touches, the paint finish, the light fitting well they are simply rubbish. I also heard that a friend with a new Honda had problems with paint peeling off within the first year so what is going on?
Quality is I think going down. The put so much money into a bike to get it to go faster to have the latest tricks and gadgets that the core basics like putting enough paint on it are scarified. Because lets face it when we go to buy a bike we ask how fast can it go, what gadgets does it have, not can you give me the paint thickness.
Bike manufactures want to appeal to us in the first instance to get us to buy their machine over another one...and after we ride it away, well tough, they got the sale and we get the rust etc.
19/06/2020 10:51:34 UTC
nab301 said :-
Build quality currently on bikes is Imo like that of late 70's cars , they tend to just melt away in front of their owners eyes. Car manufacturers eventually sorted that with galvanised panels and the like but if you look at the likes of suspension components ( which are usually hidden from view) on modern cars after just one salty winter the view would be similar to bikes.
I'd imagine the difference between owners bikes could be just down to an every day commuter out in all weathers versus a weekend bike for leisure use that's been well looked after? I currently have experience of the less than 1 yr old rusty Honda ... I must do a write up on that...
20/06/2020 20:21:01 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
My policy of not cleaning them greatly reduces the rust issue. Alongside that as long as it's not structurally dangerous then stop worrying about it. Spray some spray grease on and leave it to get covered in crud. Job done, sorted, problem solved.
20/06/2020 22:21:37 UTC
Robin said :-
I'm.Looking at starting Biking again after over 40 years ( last time I had a bike it was a yammi RD250 on a provisional )
So about to Take a CBT and choose a bike.
I've been looking at Lexmoto and Keeway Cruisers as I'm 61 going on 30 and I weigh 19 stone plus VAT but I've been really attracted to the Keeyway RKS admittedly it does look a bit small and I've not sat on one yet. Question is should I keep considering or should I be staying with a cruiser. Just think it looks an exciting little bike
Thanks in advance
20/09/2020 12:28:29 UTC
Upt'North said :-
You need to try them for size and when you can get a test ride too.
I'm guessing you're also quite tall and cruisers can end up pointing your knees skywards.
It's all about the feel.
20/09/2020 19:01:26 UTC
Upt'North said :-
I had an RD400 in about 78.
Happy days, until the piston developed a vent hole.
20/09/2020 19:02:48 UTC
Robin said :-
Thanks for your reply Up't North, Good point about the knees on the Cruisers, Didnt notice it too much on the K Light but as you mention it, probably might be the case on a Lex Mitchigan or Keeway Superlight.like you say I guess I need to try a few out . Happy days on the old RD
Being young at the time you do dont know what you got till it's gone !
Cheers Buddy
20/09/2020 23:50:14 UTC
Houssem said :-
Just i wanna ask if it's suitable for going to work it s about 10 im per day or u advise me with somthing else for my transport needs.
08/10/2020 15:32:27 UTC
Houssem said :-
Just i wanna ask if it's suitable for going to work it s about 10 im per day or u advise me with somthing else for my transport needs.
08/10/2020 15:33:20 UTC
Charlie H said :-
What size fork oil seals does the rks 125 take? I have been struggling to find anywhere that can tell me? Thank in advance
13/10/2020 10:52:38 UTC
Upt'North said :-
This might help.
13/10/2020 11:08:12 UTC
Upt'North said :-
Or buy yourself a cheapo vernier caliper which will measure the fork leg and seat for under a fiver.
13/10/2020 11:11:31 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
Sharon ended up purchasing a genuine Keeway fork seal from the Keeway dealer. It wasn't tooooo expensive (£11) but I'm sure if we had the measurements we could have gotten it cheaper. As Upt' say, get a vernier caliper and measure away.
What we could not get from even the genuine Keeway dealer (who is part of the group that imports Keeway, MotoGB) was the dust seal that sits over the fork seal! We used the old fork seal that was leaking to act as a dust seal, belt-n-braces.
13/10/2020 12:16:55 UTC
Charlie H said :-
What size fork oil seals does the rks 125 take? I have been struggling to find anywhere that can tell me? Thank in advance
13/10/2020 12:37:59 UTC
Charlie H said :-
Hi, I'm wandering if any of you know how much fork oil to put in, I have a 2015 model rks and I recently decided to rebuild.the forks, I found seals on eBay, 50*37*11 was the size I believe if anyone needed to know, but I can't find a measurement for fork oil, both seals went and I didn't think to measure what came out.... Any help would be of great help!
08/03/2021 18:14:52 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
Charlie H - we have had the same issue!! Not only that we checked with our local Keeway dealers, 2 of them AND contacted the Keeway importer in the UK, MotoGB. Not a single one of them knew. Their advice "about 100mm from the top should do it".
We carefully stripped the fork leg that had not been leaking.
With the fork leg removed and the top nut removed, the washer, spacer and the spring removed, with the chrome stanchion pushed all the way to the bottom of the lower tube... I measured 123mm from the level of the oil to the top of the tube. This IS NOT the official measurement. This IS NOT your definitive level. All I can tell you with this measurement Sharon's RKS forks are working as we'd expect them to work.
I used a regular builder's type rolled up steel tape measure and "dipped" the oil in the rebuilt fork till the level was about right. Personally I wouldn't think a millimetre will make much difference but you want them both the same as best as possible.
08/03/2021 20:55:27 UTC
Charlie H said :-
This was very helpful! Got them all done and it's mot booked! Rides perfectly! Thanks.
17/03/2021 11:04:34 UTC
Ray said :-
Hi, has anyone here encountered the Keeway C-Light 150? There's literally nothing I can find out about it online. I am going for my Riding test soon and shopping for my first bike, almost done with training. We have rather limited options here but I want a reliable bike to build my confidence with then later I can get something bigger and more powerful. Thoughts?
30/03/2021 20:27:57 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
I'm afraid we don't get the C-Light 150 here in Blighty so I can't form an opinion myself.
Sharon and I have found the RKS125 was ideally suited to our needs. Sharon didn't want to spend too much money on her first bike as we didn't know whether or not she'd like riding, we knew it would endure a few spills and she didn't have much money to spend. I don't know how much the C-Light 150 will cost wherever you are but if the price is right and the bike suits you then go for it. The most important thing to do to keep any motorcycle running well is good servicing on time.
01/04/2021 09:26:52 UTC
Ray said :-
Thank you for that tip @Ren. I did a good physical check today and though I couldn't test ride, it felt great. Want to check out the K-Light 202 which I am told will be available tomorrow before I make my final decision.
01/04/2021 23:22:42 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
We really wish Keeway UK would bring in their 200-250cc models to the UK as their small size suits Sharon. However 200-300cc road based motorcycles tend not to be big sellers here as everyone is obsessed with big power etc. I would consider importing one but it can then get complicated with spares and aftermarket stuff.
02/04/2021 13:06:09 UTC
Sam said :-
Does anyone here know how to change a headlight bulb on a 2015 Keeway RK125? Any advice gratefully received.
03/05/2021 11:09:26 UTC
James bray said :-
My 2015 keeps draining the battery I've put new one in and within 2 days the flat.
20/06/2021 12:16:41 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
Sounds like a charging problem James Bray. To test this you'll need a multimeter. With the bike running and the revs up around 3 to 4 thousand you should be getting at least 13 volts at the battery terminals, preferably about 14 volts. If you're getting less that that then start out by checking for loose or broken wires and connectors before looking at the regulator/rectifier and the stator coils.
21/06/2021 08:19:07 UTC
Ian Soady¹ said :-
Or a parasitic drain. To check this, remove the earth connection from the battery and connect a multimeter on its 10 amp setting between the battery terminal and the lead. It should show zero. If it doesn't there's something draining the battery - could be a fault in the regulator. Even if it does show zero then try on the highest milliamp scale and progressively go down the ranges. If you see anything more than 50 mA or so there's still a fault. Alarms / immobilisers can often be the culprit as well.
No multimeter? They're cheap enough and can save you a fortune.
21/06/2021 11:46:13 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
Good advice from Ian and Ed, James B.
Check the drain first then the charging if needed.
I take it the old battery was doing the same?
Does it have separate fuses for the various circuits, if so you can eliminate which circuit may be at fault if it's a drain.
Good luck and keep us posted.
21/06/2021 13:01:00 UTC
K33w4yR1d3r said :-
Hi all, question for you, we’ve the 2018 RKS fuel injection model. When it’s cold it starts and ticks over fine, when it’s warmed up it ticks over fine. In between it’ll tick over and then often just randomly die at junctions, which is annoying when you’re in town. It then starts again right away when you press the starter. I’ve checked the plug, cleaned the O2 sensor in the exhaust but am stuck now. Could it be another sensor or could it be the ECU itself? Anyone have a service manual for these engines?
Just reading other comments about the bike in general, other than the above it runs well and hasn’t rusted away. Like most 4 stroke 125s you’ve got to work it through the gears to get 55/60 from it. Many years ago I had a Suzuki GS 125 mk1 4 stroke and that beggar would never go over 55 even with a front sprocket change. I tried to overtake a bus once, but never again!
08/01/2022 18:46:09 UTC
Julia said :-
I have the identical bike and love it, as it fitted me so well....but I need to upgrade to keep up with my husband (on a ktm 890)!!!!
I have tried to find some with low enough seats (I'm 162 cm/ 5"3.75') , and even some of those aren't 'comfortable' - so Sharon mentions her bigger bike... could you share what it is please? I'm looking for anything from 300cc - 650cc ideally.
Thanks Julia
26/04/2023 12:24:33 UTC
said :-
26/04/2023 18:03:22 UTC
Tommy said :-
I bought a kymco ck1 125 to get about. Lovely little sports blke sits at 60 will do 65.
26/04/2023 18:06:24 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
Hi Julia. At 5'3" you're tall compared to Sharon! She's just a smidge under 5'. Sharon rides a Kawasaki Z250SL. If you look around the blog you'll find loads of information about it and many of the trips Sharon's undertaken on her Kwakker.
These bikes are no longer imported to the UK but you may find the odd one on the second hand market.
Glad you're enjoying the Kymco Tommy :)
26/04/2023 20:03:28 UTC
ROD¹ said :-
Julia, I am always concerned when someone is buying a bike to keep up with another bike!
If you are finding that you need a bit more power for your own riding then fine, but often buying a faster bike does not make the rider any faster.
02/05/2023 15:14:17 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
ROD - I agree. Of course if Julia's husband is a real speed demon around the countryside and Julia's still getting to grips with this motorcycle thing then yeah, even if she gets a Ninja H2R that won't give her experience or skills. On the other hand if Hubby's getting a bit tired of doing 60 down the motorways then something with a little more oomph might make life easier.
02/05/2023 17:56:51 UTC
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