Looking across to the snow capped alpine mountains seen from the back seat of a motorcycle

Home Travel StoriesFarewell to England Tour 2021

Farewell to England Tour 2021 - Day 14

Ride Date 31 August 2021

By Rev. Mick!

At this point in the journey there is always the temptation just to run for home. It must be said the idea of a blast up the A40 to Fishguard had appeal. As a worrier I get plagued by the thought that I would get a puncture and miss the boat. I was very glad I did not. However it was agriculture rather than mechanical breakdown that delayed me.

Following a jolly full Welsh breakfast it was back on the Innova, found safe and sound just where I had left it. Lots of thumbs ups and whoops from the gang in the kitchen. Out along the A40 to Geraldine's in Bancyfelin. Geraldine, also retired now, had trained as a doctor with my wife. Following a career as a gynaecologist she was now devoting her life to rescuing, caring for and rehousing stray cats and dogs, both here and on the island of Lesbos in Greece. So mugs of tea and lots of strokes for her band of very happy dogs. 

From here I followed little lanes and tracks until I crossed the A478 then picked up the B4313 at Bethesda. This road proved to be a gem. It took me all the way to Fishguard running along side the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park with great views over Mynydd Preseli.

The weather was as good as it gets, so good in fact it was perfect for cutting silage. Some 3 miles from Fishguard the lanes are very narrow, it was here I came up behind a convoy of very slow moving tractors pulling an assortment of agricultural machinery. There was no way past in these lanes even with the svelte Innova. So it was plod along in 1st and 2nd while my anxieties ran riot. 

It was only 11.45 and I had until 12.30 to get there, it really was unlikely I would miss the boat. As worriers know that sort of logic means nothing. Finally the agricultural posse turned off at The Co-op and I sped on for the ferry port. There was a bit of faff at reception checking all the Covid documentation. 

Then off into the queue with the other two wheel travellers. I got talking to an interesting man who was taking a Triumph Tiger Triple to the new owner in Banbridge in County Down in the North. Before too long we were waved ahead of the cars and trucks. Once again we were tying down with those fancy straps. 

The Innova was literally between camps. To my left 
Large Triumph Tiger and various other big motorcycles on the ferry
and then turning to my right 
Scooters with luggage strapped down on the ferry
The Innova was truly somewhere between the two camps I was getting nods and respect from both sides.

I went to the desk and picked the cabin key for some shut eye on this very calm crossing. We docked on time and then down the ramps where the Garda on duty waved all the two wheelers straight through with no document checks. So it was down the Euroroute N25 to Dungarvan where I had a great deal on a nice hotel. I paid the toll and crossed the futuristic new bridges. 

A smart suspension bridge in the distance

These two new bridges at Waterford and New Ross save masses of time. After a night in Lawlor's Hotel it was a repeat of my outward route. 

Combined image of the Ballymoony sign and a river flowing through the countryside
A low old stone bridge crosses a river among trees and grasses

When I got back to Ballydesmond they were relaying the tarmac on the main street so it was a fair wait at the traffic control. This gave me chance to suss out my fellow Cub traveller. He seemed to have a more rural look to his riding gear.

A rider on an old C90 wearing hi-viz jacket, jeans and wellington boots

On arriving home I had 2026 extra kilometres on the clock, some great memories and that warm post expedition glad to be home feeling. The ladies were all out but the dogs were pleased to see me!

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Farewell to England Tour 2021 - Day 1 Mick's first day is a simple affair. Load up the Innova, head out and ride.
Farewell to England Tour 2021 - Day 2 Rev.Mick! sums up his arrival back into Wales.
Farewell to England Tour 2021 - Day 3 Mick is having a ride out with a friend, into the wilderness of Bristol. Can a vintage Velocette and a 125 complete the epic crossing of the Severn River?
Farewell to England Tour 2021 - Day 4 Mick receives the soaking of a lifetime before finding the wondrous beauty of Dorset. Beyond that he could tell you but he'd have to kill you.
Farewell to England Tour 2021 - Day 5 Mick finds his way around Dorset using every back road he can find. For himself and the Innova this is a perfect match made in heaven.
Farewell to England Tour 2021 - Day 6 (And 7 And 8) Mick is having one of "those" days as his tour of south west England continues. Not to worry, there's still much to see and think about before reaching the haven of family.
Farewell to England Tour 2021 - Day 9 (And Some 8) After trains and repairs Rev. Mick! is back on two wheels. He seems to be having a fabulous time returning to the haunts of his youth.
Farewell to England Tour 2021 - Day 10 (And 11) It looks as though Armageddon is on Rev. Mick!'s horizon and yet another fine day is to be found on the UK's roads. When you're touring Innova style there's nothing can stop you.
Farewell to England Tour 2021 - Day 12 Heading homewards Rev. Mick! takes us to a special place in his motorcycling career - "The Road" - after encountering a town filled with drunkards and streets laced with MAMILs. Nothing seems mundane in Mick's world.
Farewell to England Tour 2021 - Day 13 In typical chilled out fashion Rev. Mick! is making his way slowly towards the ferry. There's still plenty of time to explore ever more back roads and to dine well. It's a hard life.
Farewell to England Tour 2021 - Day 14 After an epic 2 weeks of touring southern England Rev! Mick is making his way home.

Reader's Comments

Crofty said :-
Really enjoyed you tour notes Mick, I have been jotting down road numbers and saving them for the future and even looking at Innova's. there is a guy on the ABR forum ( can I mention rival forum's Ren?) and You Tube called Godspeed who has done some really interesting tours on one and complete's them with a dance video which is interesting.
Anyway glad you got home safe and sound and back in the Dingle.
03/12/2021 11:27:01 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
Mention away Crofty. The Reverend Mick has a concise yet complete way of writing, getting many details across in few words. I tend to ramble on in my own musings.
05/12/2021 00:19:21 UTC
Rev. Mick! said :-
Thanks Guys. I was worried it might all have been a bit like showing someone your holiday photos, not as much fun for them.
Have returned from a bikes (well scooters) and climbing trip in Spain. Which was also a hoot. Might just do a quicker more concise one for that.
Now waiting for spring to head off again. Hoping to visit my good buddies near Stornoway in The Outer Hebrides, so from Barra up. Also eldest is now moved to Galashiels so a loop to the Borders. A 3 day canoe descent of the Tweed? It's all to be done. So bring on the sun.
05/12/2021 10:05:23 UTC
Ian Soady¹ said :-
Yes, always enjoy your stories. Not sure about the daring rock climbing however!
05/12/2021 12:15:02 UTC

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