The city of Nice seen from the surrounding hillside bathed in sunshine

Home Travel StoriesFarewell to England Tour 2021

Farewell to England Tour 2021 - Day 10 (And 11)

Ride Date 27 August 2021

By Rev. Mick!

On the horizon I could clearly something massive. It was either a tornado up ahead or some sort of massive fire.

Over the horizon rises and spreads out a great plume or perhaps a vast tornado

I had left Hunt End after breakfast and had worked my way south of Stratford on Avon, crossing the Avon at Bidford on Avon. Each time I looked north now the shape on the horizon seeming to get bigger. I also passed Wasps Rugby training centre in one of the villages I pass through. This was a little bit of a surprise as I remember Wasps being a London Club. They have however now based themselves in Coventry.

I was heading for Hartshill which is in the countryside outside of Nuneaton, where my buddy Fen and his lovely Russian wife Yulia live. I was in no particular rush as Fen is an NHS O/T and would be working until 17.00, so I was finding meandering routes through the South Warwickshire countryside. 

A rather dirty welcome to Warwickshire sign in the bushes by the roadside

I think many of these gorgeous little villages must be sort of stock broker belt for the well to do of West Birmingham. It is nice that I was that close to the centre of Birmingham and yet in lovely rural villages. Crossing the M40 at Lapworth through Dorridge, Knowle, Hampton in Arden and Meriden. Under the M6 past the National Motorcycle museum, maybe next time, Fillongley and into Hartshill.

l can still see the twister shape in the sky but now to the south east. It is when I get in to Fen's and read the news do I discover what I have been seeing throughout the day is a huge chemical fire in Royal Leamington Spa!

Fen is not up to motorcycling adventures following a crash which left him with a broken pelvis and hip joints that had to be replaced with metal ones. So we spend day 11 on mountain bikes visiting rural breweries - as you do.

The brick outside of a pub and a sign stating Church End Brewery
A friendly face smiles while holding a pint, 2 old mountain bikes are propped against the bench

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Farewell to England Tour 2021 - Day 1 Mick's first day is a simple affair. Load up the Innova, head out and ride.
Farewell to England Tour 2021 - Day 2 Rev.Mick! sums up his arrival back into Wales.
Farewell to England Tour 2021 - Day 3 Mick is having a ride out with a friend, into the wilderness of Bristol. Can a vintage Velocette and a 125 complete the epic crossing of the Severn River?
Farewell to England Tour 2021 - Day 4 Mick receives the soaking of a lifetime before finding the wondrous beauty of Dorset. Beyond that he could tell you but he'd have to kill you.
Farewell to England Tour 2021 - Day 5 Mick finds his way around Dorset using every back road he can find. For himself and the Innova this is a perfect match made in heaven.
Farewell to England Tour 2021 - Day 6 (And 7 And 8) Mick is having one of "those" days as his tour of south west England continues. Not to worry, there's still much to see and think about before reaching the haven of family.
Farewell to England Tour 2021 - Day 9 (And Some 8) After trains and repairs Rev. Mick! is back on two wheels. He seems to be having a fabulous time returning to the haunts of his youth.
Farewell to England Tour 2021 - Day 10 (And 11) It looks as though Armageddon is on Rev. Mick!'s horizon and yet another fine day is to be found on the UK's roads. When you're touring Innova style there's nothing can stop you.
Farewell to England Tour 2021 - Day 12 Heading homewards Rev. Mick! takes us to a special place in his motorcycling career - "The Road" - after encountering a town filled with drunkards and streets laced with MAMILs. Nothing seems mundane in Mick's world.
Farewell to England Tour 2021 - Day 13 In typical chilled out fashion Rev. Mick! is making his way slowly towards the ferry. There's still plenty of time to explore ever more back roads and to dine well. It's a hard life.
Farewell to England Tour 2021 - Day 14 After an epic 2 weeks of touring southern England Rev! Mick is making his way home.

Reader's Comments

Rev. Mick! said :-
Actually on that day just after I had taken this photo of Fen, a Royal Enfield 650 Interceptor and a modern Norton Commando pulled into that very car park. Can't find photo. The were riden by very trendy gentlemen of a certain age.
25/10/2021 20:39:20 UTC
Borsuk said :-
Wasn’t me.
Although I do ride an Interceptor Ren would be the first to agree that trendy and I have never made each others acquaintance much less Very Trendy.
26/10/2021 15:36:27 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
War Wick Shire.
Getting closer to my old neck of the woods (Staffordshire).
Enjoying the ride along Mick. Or should I say Minister, Sir.
26/10/2021 17:05:12 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
I bet it was Borsuk......just doesn't like admitting he rides dressed in expensive Belstaff apparel for fear of Ed's retribution.
Borsuk, trendy, who'd have thunk it.
26/10/2021 17:07:41 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
To us he's Borsuk, a wee Glaswegian fellow with an accent so strong I need a translator. A humble glorified deck-hand and spanner wielder aboard a random vessel out on the ocean waves. Just one of the regular folk making his way as best he can in the circumstances.

Then I gets to thinking. Motorcycles in both The UK and Spain. Property in both countries too. A motorhome. This is not the humble life, I'm beginning to think he's sold us a tall story and he is in fact the captain of a big posh cruise liner! I suspect when he's elsewhere he refers to himself as "one" ie "one must excuse oneself, one has duties to attend to". I can see him in his tailored uniform barking orders in Received Pronunciation. I bet he even knows which bits of silverware to use for each course of a meal.

As such I can also see him being a trendy gentleman of a certain age. This whole rough-n-ready Glaswegian persona is his alter ego for the weekends. Some folks dress up as Star-Trek characters or Comic heroes, Borsuk pretends he's from the lower classes.
27/10/2021 14:21:39 UTC
Borsuk said :-
I think I just peed myself.

I did try to hire a star trek costume once but the sales lady steadfastly refused to rent me a Lieutenant Uhura costume.
27/10/2021 15:00:14 UTC
Rev. Mick! said :-
Now you mention it one of the fellows did indeed have top of the range mega cool Belstaff waxed cotton jacket. To be honest was looking more at the RE Interceptor. The only time I had ever seen one before in Ireland was through the glass window of Ireland's only RE dealer in Adare Limerick where you get on the motorway.

27/10/2021 19:17:47 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
Lieutenant Uhura Borsuk? I had you down as more of a Seven Of Nine type meself.
31/10/2021 20:55:45 UTC

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