Looking across to the snow capped alpine mountains seen from the back seat of a motorcycle

Home Travel StoriesGanesh To Gary

Homeward Bound From Lewis To Mallaig

By Rev. Mick!

Day 8

“It will be worth it” - that is what I reminded myself at 05.00 the following morning. It was very dark with no sign so far of rain. I don’t know about any one else, for me riding at night with the visor down and oncoming headlights gives me the heeby-geebies, add in rain and it’s down right scary.

Drew who is no more of a first thing in the morning person than I was already up. We kinda nodded, grunted, and got on with loading the bikes. It was cold and dark and without light pollution the stars were out. Sleep on our hosts and thank you both.

Actually it was quite an exciting run to Tarbert ferry port. As Drew was faster than me he said he would go ahead and get us booked on the ferry. “Bye Drew”. It was clear, cold, and starlit as I went as fast as I could through Lewis and Harris with the umbra of the sun just starting to outline the edge of the earth. There are no other images in the world like those. From the Clisham pass all the way down to Tarbert is downhill so in the cold still air of a lightening morning the speedo was over 100 kmph. Soon enough the bright halogen lights of the Tarbert ferry terminal hove into view.

Ina grainy image taken at dawn we see cars and lights at the queue for the ferry

I am beginning to think this is a ferry lover’s photo album. I tended to take photos when we stopped at ports.

Breakfast on board soon got us onto an even keel. Scrambled egg and smoked salmon with mugs of tea - thank you CalMac. Also the good CalMac boys let us whizz off first, while the majority turned right Drew and I turned left and rode towards the Quiraing on Skye.

What followed was a blast round the roads of Skye. It was September so not many people were about on the roads, it was great fun for two riders. We took the north loop round the A855 round to Portree with a quick visit to the Old Man of Storr. I remember Steve and I climbing this many years ago. Then up the A87 to the A850 turn and away to Dunvegan down the west coast to Sligachan Hotel, no midges this time unlike the last time I camped there.In black and white we see Rev. Mick!'s friend and their 2 bikes on the Isle of Skye

There was a little shower of rain so just outside Broadford, we stopped at a chipper and I had the best ever fish and chips with the haddock being as fresh as can be and cooked perfectly.

Then we went of for a side tour. If you are ever in Skye this is probably the one road you should make an effort to get down, the B8083 which runs some 15 miles out to Elgol. As remote as it is you will not be alone. If the weather is any where clear you will be rewarded with two of the most amazing views of the The Black Cullin, the first at Torrin.

The Innova in the foreground and the angular, rocky, and steep outcrops behind

The next is a very well known image but no the less perfect and dramatic for that. You come down to the pier at Elgol following a great single track ride swing round look out and just go WOW!

Montage of big mountains and the slope of the slipway, complete with Mick's Innova

Then it was ride back for the Mallaig ferry at Armadale. This was a relaxing way to end a great day of riding. It was a two minute ride to the Seaview Guest House with private parking and our most lovely hosts. Should you ever be in Mallaig I can whole heartedly recommend this amazing B&B just 2minutes from the ferry port. Funny - after our time on the islands it seemed very busy back on the mainland.

Looking out the window we see both the workings of the Habour and the hills behind

We went out to a lovely pub restaurant for tea and after a few pints we were ready for our early bedtime. What a great day!

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Holy Water On Departure It's Rev. Mick!'s day of departure, in spite of his wife's misgivings. He's crossing Ireland and he's already lost in his own country.
Countryside, Culture And Carlingford Lough Rev. Mick! is finding a ferry and fascinating sights as he makes his way northbound towards Belfast. A good day all in all but there may be just one small hiccup ahead.
Police, Passages, Pals, and Pints Rev. Mick! is escorted by the police, hangs out with Scooter types and catches TWO ferries. It seems he can't have an "ordinary" day.
Ferries And Fun But No Food It's all ferries and frolics for Rev. Mick! as he gets deep into The Highlands and islands. The riding and crossings are good but there's a problem with acquiring sustenance.
Motorcycle Meditation In The Wild And Wet Rev. Mick! is having one hell of a day. The Hebridean weather is throwing it's worst at them as they make their way northbound to their raison d'etre.
Lovely Lewis And Chilled Chums Rev. Mick! finds today to be much calmer and enjoyable rather than endurable. A tour of the northern half of Lewis and some good company sees Mick swinging and snoring.
A Laid Back, Easy Day On Lewis While their hosts are working Rev. Mick! and Drew enjoy and easy mooch around. There's just that one place Rev. Mick! still hasn't managed to reach.
Homeward Bound From Lewis To Mallaig It's way too early for Rev. Mick! this morning but needs must. Sadly it's time to head homeward but that won't spoil a good day looking around Skye.
Veggie Brekkie, Bikes And A Blast Rev. Mick!'s enjoying a day through some classic Highland scenery then pondering the past, present and a future yet to come.
The End of the Fellowship With the parting of the pals comes a tinge of remorse yet Rev. Mick! still has many more miles to cover before his heroic return to home. Did anyone notice he'd even left?

Reader's Comments

Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
I'm not sure if Rev. Mick! intended the images to be black and white but that's how they arrived here at BAT Towers. I was going to ask him but I thought they looked far too atmospheric to change really.

Didn't know there was a ferry from Lewis/Harris to Skye. Well that's ANOTHER blumming ferry I wanna ride now innit. Pfffft.
28/02/2023 17:25:14 UTC
Steve S. said :-
Looks almost like he used infrared black and white film.
28/02/2023 17:53:34 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
Yes I see what you mean Steve S. Mind you infrared picks up heat and there ain't much of that in Scotland!
01/03/2023 08:54:39 UTC
Upt'North ¹ said :-
Great pictures the Most Reverend.
Elgol is indeed a magical place.
02/03/2023 16:57:53 UTC
Rev. Mick! said :-
Sorry guys I was away travelling and on some exciting courses.
The images are meant to be B&W, in fact unless I consciously change the settings that is how I take my photos.
Note the Elgol one seems to have a double dose of Cullins!
Have just book flights to India for our “To Kiss Seven Sisters” adventure. The choice now is do we hire RE Himalayan 400s or Honda XPulse 200. My preferred option of scooters was shot down when they refused to let us take scooters out of Assam. Both these bikes have options, though I must admit to be drawn to the Honda. If nothing else as it is 50 kg lighter and as it will be at the end of the monsoon there maybe a lot of hauling and dragging where bridges and roads used to be. 50 kg extra in a dug out canoe is a fair bit of hard paddling!!
Also thinking of Scilly Isles blast anyone taken bikes on that ferry?
Posted Image
03/03/2023 09:36:49 UTC
Rev. Mick! said :-
Sorry guys I was away travelling and on some exciting courses.
The images are meant to be B&W, in fact unless I consciously change the settings that is how I take my photos.
Note the Elgol one seems to have a double dose of Cullins!
Have just book flights to India for our “To Kiss Seven Sisters” adventure. The choice now is do we hire RE Himalayan 400s or Honda XPulse 200. My preferred option of scooters was shot down when they refused to let us take scooters out of Assam. Both these bikes have options, though I must admit to be drawn to the Honda. If nothing else as it is 50 kg lighter and as it will be at the end of the monsoon there maybe a lot of hauling and dragging where bridges and roads used to be. 50 kg extra in a dug out canoe is a fair bit of hard paddling!!
Also thinking of Scilly Isles blast anyone taken bikes on that ferry?
Posted Image
03/03/2023 09:38:57 UTC
nab301 said :-
@ Rev Mick , the Xpulse 200 looks like a good choice on paper although I haven't ridden either contender.
04/03/2023 14:18:03 UTC

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