Travel StoriesLa France!
Cars, Motorcycles, Engines, Nap Time And More Beer
By Bogger
Tuesday Day 7
Today, as planned and discussed the previous evening, was a day out at the Manoir de L’Automobile museum. Today one of Ronan's pals is Joining us, Franck. Myself, Nige and Jason arrive at Ronan's house in Malestroit at the allotted time. We are introduced to Franck (another top bloke) and soon we are heading East out of Malestroit on the D776 towards Reminiac.
It's a bit of an odd ensemble of bikes. Me on the C125, Jason on the CG125 and Nige on his 12v 1980’s Cub fitted with an Innova engine. Then there’s Ronan on the CB1000 and Franck on his 1972 BMW600. I’d describe the weather as a bit iffy as we set out. But, as the day went on, it got a lot better.
Still on the D776 we head towards Reminiac. Once there, we blinked and were out the other side and onto Monteneuf then the Town of Guer. Not far now to Loheac and the museum. I was going to say the car museum - but that would be doing it a disservice. There literally is something for everyone. It’s predominately car orientated, but there’s a massive variety of non-automobile themes. The entrance fee was fourteen Euros and well worth the money.

It is however typically old school French. At 12.30pm they turn all the lights off and kick you out for their lunch hour. As such we take the opportunity to ride to the local supermarket and get our own lunch. It also allows us to get to know our new mate Franck a little better.

We go back to the museum for the afternoon stint and spend another couple of hours mooching around the exhibits. It’s hot and I’m feeling knackered from the lack of sleep. I wander back outside to the bikes, put my jacket on the floor, lay down and I’m in the land of nod. Before long I’m awoken by four blokes staring down at me gesticulating and saying we’ve got to go. Really?

Are we going back to Malestroit, I ask, bleary eyed. No were off to the large town of Redon to visit Ronan's "peche mignon" music shop. Ok. Twenty miles later we are pulling off one of the main roads of Redon and into the carpark of Danett Music.
Danett Music? It’s a musical instrument shop, with a bar in the middle of it and at night it’s a live music venue. Lets’ have a beer and listen to some music then. There were plenty of customers coming and going. Mainly, I have to say, buying beer and not instruments. It was way past six so time to get back to the campsite, twenty four miles away, back in Malestroit.
We’ve got a night to ourselves tonight, so once back at camp we have a shower a bite to eat and wander up to sample Malestroits’ bars and once again chat to the locals. After a couple of hours it’s time for some more kip. It had rained heavily whilst in one of the bars, but the walk back was nice and dry.

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La France Day 1
Bogger provides an acceptable excuse for going to France but the first day of this adventure sees them in Dorking. Dorking is not in France but it does have the best beer garden ever. Apparently.
The Ferry and France
There's a ferry then there's some getting lost then there's some drinking. It seems there's an ongoing theme to this tale that involves alcohol. This time beautiful Bayeux hosts the liver apocalypse.
Normandy Beaches And Booze
Bogger and his entourage might have been to the D-Day beaches before but there's still more to see and do. They might have been tipsy before too but that won't stop them joining the locals for a round or 6.
Dead Man's Corner (And Less Beer)
Bogger and the crew take in a WW2 museum but have to curtail the rest of the day due to unforeseen circumstances. Not to worry, there will surely be more alcohol to soften the blow.
Friends With Food
The group temporarily fragments while Bogger and Fatboy visit Bogger's French friend. Food abounds all around and of course there's a beer or two to wash it all down.
Miles And Mates Coming And Going
There's people leaving, people joining, lots of riding and well wouldn't you know it - some beer! There's a crew change and a location change for Bogger today.
Cars, Motorcycles, Engines, Nap Time And More Beer
Bogger and pals (both French and English) take in the splendours of an automobile museum. There's a lot of lovely cars, a few motorcycles and one napping Bogger on display for all to see.
More Of Everything That Bogger Enjoys
Guess what? Bogger's et al are riding motorcycles, visiting museums, eating, and drinking all of Brittany's fabulous hospitality. Poor Bogger, it's a hard life.
Bogger's Brilliant Day Out
As Bogger's trip draws to a close there's still an awful lot to do, an awful lot of fun to be had, then throw in some delightful motorcycles and Bogger's a happy chappy.
Emotional Endings And Homeward Heartache
It's the end of Bogger's Brittany experience and it appears he's rather enjoyed this sojourn. Alas and alack it's back to reality though, all good things must come to an end.
Reader's Comments
Upt'North ¹ said :-
You don't see many midgets on bikes do ya.
25/10/2022 23:14:36 UTC
Bogger said :-
We walked Niges legs off that day. Toulouse launige.
26/10/2022 07:32:43 UTC
nab301 said :-
Lovely museum exhibits , especially the the DB le mans , I wonder could I knock something together to accept my BM Boxer engine!
31/10/2022 17:56:56 UTC
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Travel StoriesLa France!