Travel StoriesLincolnshire 2014
Soggy And Sun Into Lincolnshire
By Ren Withnell
UKBEG - The UK Buell Enthusiast's Group, is holding an event. One of the bike club members is connected to UKBEG and asked if the club would like to make a weekend of it. Fair enough. The Emma Radford Memorial is held to help raise funds for Papworth Hospital Cystic Fibrosis Unit which looked after Emma. That's all I know. I'm told there'll be some aeroplanes, some Buells, some Italian motorcycles and a good day out.
Most members, not being real roughty toughty types like the gf and myself, are booked into a Premier Inn in Boston. The gf, myself and camping enthusiast SL are however booked in to a campsite right next door to the - ahem - Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre where the event is held. The only problem is the weather forecast for this forthcoming Bank Holiday weekend is, to put it mildly, grim.
As I wake the gf at 0630 on this Sunday morning and look outside the window it is presently dry but the skies are heavy grey and the forecast seems to be correct. Despite the threat we are both looking forward to the weekend and the gf manages to rise swiftly with little complaint. We load the bikes, lube the chains, double check the bungees and make some sandwiches. We're off. As I ride I notice that although the clouds are heavy there's little sign of rain on the horizon. Please, please let it be dry.

BAT - Bikes And Travels. This is Sharon's bat, Ghost Bat. I'll let her explain one day...
As each member arrives at the rendezvous point there's a sense of excitement about the trip and optimism about the weather. After the almost inevitable wait for stragglers we finally set off into what is so far a promising day. So Far. That is until we are heading towards Knutsford when the heavens open. As the rain bounces off our visors we pull in to a convenient hotel car park to wrap up. Workmen watch as we all hop around trying to get big boots and legs into waterproof pants. We look more like the Keystone Cops rather than badass bikers. No-one looks sexy in waterproofs either.
I can't speak for the rest but my gear is working. There's a certain sense of "bring it on" when you can trust your waterproofing. As we splash through Knutsford the gf on "L" plates is doing battle with a cager who achieves nothing but a dangerous overtake, she simply re-passes him as we queue for a roundabout. There's something about "L" plates that seems to upset car drivers.
By the time we reach Macclesfield and the Cat And Fiddle the rain has eased, almost stopped. As we rise uphill I send the gf in front of me, I want her to set her own pace on this super twisty road. It's a wet road too, I'm in no rush and I don't expect much from her. The rest of the crew on their larger machines scoot off ahead yet she is keeping pace. That's a sharp bend sweetie, have you noticed? Slow down? Whoooosh! She corners like a pro, fast enough that as I navigate it my heart is in my mouth. Whizzz! She takes on another curve safely, deftly and confidently. I can keep up but I'm at the edge of my own comfort zone here. She's curiously confident in the rain.
The only reason the rest of the crew are ahead is the power of their larger machines. As we pull into the Cat And Fiddle pub we are but a few moments behind the rest. Once we're inside we choose a spot next to a large, hot wood burner and start the Keystone Cops routine of removing the waterproofs as well as countless jackets, soggy gloves, and misty helmets. It's good to be sat with friends drinking hot tea as another shower lashes the window panes.
Back out on the road the rain is easing. I'm being taken along a route I've never taken before. We bypass Buxton via Harpur Hill to the A515, Newhaven onto the 5012 then through Grangemill to Cromford. It's a fine route! The rain has stopped and although the road is wet it's a pleasure to take in the rolling hills of the Derbyshire countryside. I'm shocked when I suddenly find myself on the A6 rolling into Matlock Bath. I must remember this route in the future, much better than the busy A6.
We squeeze into a car park at Matlock Bath, it's lunchtime, the rain has stopped and this motorcycle and tourist hotspot is already filling up. The gf and I purchase a brew and eat the sandwiches we made this morning, the rest buy chips or burgers and we all make use of the toilets. I notice the gf talking with an elderly motorcyclist like a seasoned veteran, they're discussing their bikes. It'll not be long I reckon till she's talking about Fragglenop Valves and tappet settings on Wustlethorp Sloper 350's. "Eeeee, when I were a lass I had my Keeway RKS 125 with the old 90-90-17 tyres, thems were the days..."

It's a bit of a squeeze in Matlock Bath already. The traffic wardens simply ask us to make space for wheelchair access, nice one, no problem.
Most of us are off our familiar territory now, it's time for Sat-Nav to lead. By fair means or fowl we manage to skirt Alfreton, take a jaunt on the A38 and pick up the A617 around Mansfield. As the distances to Newark fall the sun makes an appearance. By the time we're approaching Sleaford I'm getting a bit of a numb bum so it's a relief when the leader pulls into a big layby. Not only is the sun out it's hot, everyone strips off a layer or two. I'm enjoying this. The pace is perfect for the gf and I, both on 125's, the sun brings out the smiles, the countryside is pleasant and we've not got far to go.
It's not long before we campers part company from those in the hotel. Soon there's just the gf, SL and myself winding along quieter roads. Oooooh this is posh! Smart houses and bungalows with flower filled gardens, churches with trimmed hedges, local shops run by local people and unhurried footpaths minus the litter. All this set in vast open fields that stretch to endless horizons. Things always look better in the sunshine don't they.
Our campsite may be the exception. This was once a petrol station, the fuel pumps still standing, broken, herald from a time before even I started riding. The garage workshop looks long abandoned. The forecourt is potholed. To add to that "je ne sais quoi" there's a Renault on axle stands minus it's two front wheels. Our hostess, tending flowers in a rotting wooden pot, points us to the far end of the campsite.
Thankfully things out back are better. While we've been dismissed to the far end of the field with the "Raptor Chapter", some Cagiva Raptor owners, at least the grass is trimmed, the field is well kept and the sun is above us. The gf is a little rusty with the tent routine, so is SL. No matter, it's not long before the stove is lit, the tea is in the cup and we're all drinking in the sunshine. The day is young and the rest of it is ours. Being the nice man that I am I make the gf some rice mixed in with a tin of Chicken curry from Aldi, I sure know how to spoil that lady huh?

Kettle's on!

Sharon's saddle bags leaked, luckily the sun is out for drying.
We take a ride to Boston to hang out with the rest of the gang. The gf deserts myself and her bike in favour of a test pillion on SL's Street Triple. More posh, pretty villages and flat countryside roll by then I hear something above. A large, twin engined bomber of world war two era flies above us. You don't see that every day, what a sight! I hope there's more, I hope we get to see some at the show tomorrow.
The evening is spent with our friends. While some dine, others drink a little and we all take the mickey out of each other. Some have joined us straight from the British round of the World Superbikes, some have only just staggered out of the shower and I drink my body weight in soft drinks as it's a free refill. I might regret that later in the tent. Hmmmmm.

I have to share my campsite with these 2 shady characters, SL and the gf.
Soggy And Sun Into Lincolnshire
Ren describes a day filled with rain and sun, countryside roads, corners and friends.
Buells, Planes And Sun
A day at the Emma Radford Memorial is filled with sunshine, Buells, friends and fantastic aeroplanes!
A Good Ride Home
Our ride home from Lincolnshire involves crazy cars, mad cities, getting lost and the Snake Pass. Lots of fun!
Reader's Comments
DaisyDuke said :-
Have to say this was one of the most enjoyable weekends of this year, spending time with like minded people who I am priviledged to call my friends, sure hope we have some more outings soon x
01/01/2000 00:00:00 UTC
Jan said :-
Looks like you guys had a fabulous time and Sharon has taken to riding her bike like a duck to water !
Glad the sun came out for you all :-)
01/01/2000 00:00:00 UTC
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Travel StoriesLincolnshire 2014