A motorcycle parked in front of a tent on a pleasant green campsite

Home Travel Stories

Ledbury Easter 2016

Sharon and Ren try to make the most of the Easter weekend break with a camping trip to Ledbury. Of course being a bank holiday the weather will be anything but nice...?2 very loaded up 125cc motorcycles ready for a camping trip
Just a little light luggage for a weekend away.

Soaking Ride South Our dubious duo take 2 overloaded 125s to a place they never intended to visit in weather set to get worse. While doing this they get lost and get wet. It's not all bad news though.
Dawdling Around Ledbury Sharon and Ren take a little walk through Ledbury then a genteel and leisurely ride around the area. Later that evening as a tempest rises outside there's a treat in store for Sharon. Lucky girl.
Wobbling Home Our heroic duo manage to survive Storm Katie and now it is time to return home. This leaves Ren feeling a little deflated which doesn't help with the handling on the 125.

Reader's Comments

Ian Soady said :-
That looks like sheer cruelty to those little 125s.....
31/03/2016 10:22:53 UTC
Ren - The Ed said :-
You are right Ian. We are committing crimes against small capacity motorcycles. At present there is no "RSPC125" (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to 125s). If however such a group was formed and laws passed then Bikes And Travels would be coming to you from a prison cell.
31/03/2016 11:00:03 UTC
Garth said :-
Is there a bike under that pile of luggage?
22/02/2017 18:14:19 UTC
Ren - The Ed said :-
Hi Garth. Yip there's a bike under there. Poor bike, but it seems to cope somehow.
23/02/2017 07:15:52 UTC

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