The city of Nice seen from the surrounding hillside bathed in sunshine

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A Long Weekend Around Penrith

A 3 night break in Penrith give Ren a chance to rethink The Lakes, Sharon gets to see a wall and there's not a tent in sight.

A tree without leaves, a bench and lush green undulating countryside into the distance

The Horror Of Luxury Remember folks, Ren does these things so you don't have to. Poor lad, Sharon's given him nothing to moan about.
A Piece Of The Lakes, Rethinking Maryport Ren is long overdue a reassessment of the town of Maryport so while he's doing they The Dynamic Duo have a look around the area too. There's hot tea, good food and decadent living.
The Hadrian's Wall Experience Ren takes Sharon for a (very limited) Hadrian's Wall experience. There's a lot of tea to be consumed too. It's another day of leisurely exploration.
Home From Penrith There's time enough to enjoy a little detour on the way home from Penrith. Ren is also pondering his atypical indifference towards a place he feels he ought to adore.

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