The outside of a motorbike engine seen up close near the exhaust

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A Brief Break In Bangor

With a couple of scant days before reality comes crashing in Ren has escaped to his favourite chain of cheap hotels once again. This time Bangor falls victim to Ren's miserly ways. 

The edge of a wall overlooks the narrow strait at Bangor. We see Anglesey in the background

Winter Wonders In Wild Wales Might be a bit of a strange read this one folks. Inexplicably Ren seems to be in a (relatively speaking) positive frame of mind. Even old misery guts himself can't help but be lifted by a bit of Wales at it's best.
Anglesey In Winter Sun It might be worthwhile consulting with a quantum physicist because reality has taken a turn for the weird. Ren is having another good day. This time Anglesey in the sun almost cracks a smile on the old curmudgeon's face. Almost.

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