The outside of a motorbike engine seen up close near the exhaust

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Recommended Ride - Llyn Celyn

Ride Date 24 February 2019

By Ren Withnell

Sharon and I have ridden these roads before. They're a bit like Kelloggs Corn Flakes, I forget how good they are. 

Starting from the north-eastern end of Bala we turn north onto the A4212. Following a very brief piece of town we're soon out into the countryside and the national speed limits. This is a flowing road with easy sweeping bends and open views. Of course being a safe sensible legal rider you'll have time to spot Llyn Celyn on your left. There's plenty of space to pull in and admire the views.

Continue westward for a few more miles and you'll note the hills growing larger. Keep your eyes open for a large sign for Porthmadog straight ahead and Ffestiniog B4391 to your right. Take the B4391, just after the turning there's a little parking place if you wish to snap a few more images. 

Welsh hills and countryside all abound on a beautiful February day
It is good to stop and look for a moment.

This road is still twin-track but slightly narrower and feels just a little more remote as you head into the hills. It's a good mix of simple sweeping bends and undulating straights. Keep the speed down on the straights to enjoy the views then enjoy the bends. Sharp angular mountains can be seen in the far distance now.

There is a sign in advance of the turning for Ysbyty Ifan B4407, there's a white house-sized building at the turning too, but it could be easy to miss the B4407 turning. That white house-sized building is home to a small cafe and enough space to park a couple of bikes if the mood takes you. It's not the cheapest but then it is entirely on it's own, it has it's own water supply you know, from a well I believe.

The B4407 starts out as twin track but soon drops to wide single track. There's room enough to pass oncoming vehicles safely but this isn't a road for riding all out. This is an up-down-left-right gentle pace and look at the scenery type of road. If you are dawdling you'll have time to look left into the Snowdonian mountain range and it is sight to behold.  

Snowdonian mountains in the far distance
I can't guaratee weather this good.

Ysbyty Ifan brings you back into civilisation, barely. Keep your eyes open for a small turning on your right signposted Pentrefoelas. This is proper single track now but only for a few miles. At the end of this road turn left into Pentrefoelas.

And that's it! There's another cafe just before the A5 and public toilets too opposite the small car park. This run is only 26 miles from Bala to Pentrefoelas so it's not too challenging. The hardest part will likely be getting there.

If you'd like to share a recommended route contact

Reader's Comments

CrazyFrog said :-
I know this area and it's roads quite well Ren as we have friends in Betws, and yes, it's a fantastic run.

I think the Recommended Rides idea is a great enhancement to the site too!
05/03/2019 13:20:00 UTC
Ren - The Ed said :-
Cheers CrazyFrog. I suspect most of them will be here in Blighty but in an ideal world I'd like to get suggestions from around the world. One day, one day hey.
05/03/2019 16:35:31 UTC
Borsuk said :-
I`ll send you a few local runs if you like Ren, as long as you promise not to call me nasty names like you usually do.
05/03/2019 22:03:33 UTC
Ren - The Ed said :-
That would be fabulous Borsuk. But... but... but I'm not sure I can promise to be nice to you. I just don't think I have it in me. I just don't think I'm capable of such a feat.
06/03/2019 08:55:23 UTC
Borsuk said :-
I`ll content myself by thinking if your being nasty to me then others are safe.
06/03/2019 14:34:06 UTC
CrazyFrog said :-
Nice thought Borsuk, but just look at what he says about my lovely two stroke ring-a-ding-ding Jawa. :O
06/03/2019 14:54:18 UTC
Ren - The Ed said :-
I am not racist or sexist or religionist. I am equally cruel, horrible and generally unpleasant no matter what your orientation or political beliefs are. I treat every human equally poorly.
06/03/2019 16:55:25 UTC
Borsuk said :-
Sorry CrazyFrog.

You voluntarily own a 2 stroke, in my opinion any derision from Ren is a self inflicted injury. :-)

And its true what Ren says, he hates everybody, except Sharon of course.

I get off this greyhound of the seas on Saturday so hopefully I will get out a and about a bit next week and have something to torture him with.
06/03/2019 17:04:07 UTC
Ren - The Ed said :-
Ooooohh! Harsh Borsuk, harsh. Fair, but harsh.

I'd watch out otherwise CrazyFrog might pull the plug on that bathtub you call a ship.
06/03/2019 21:48:22 UTC
CrazyFrog said :-
Don't worry, after a lifetime of riding mainly MZ's and Jawa's I've developed a pretty thick skin. In fact my internet 'nom de plume' comes from the running I got turning up to work on a Jawa about 20 years ago ??
07/03/2019 15:50:25 UTC
CrazyFrog said :-
That should say 'ribbing' of course, not 'running and the two ?? at the end should be :) Damn phone....
07/03/2019 15:52:38 UTC
Bob said :-
My favourite part of the world!
If you were on a trail bike you could have cut across the moor at Ysbyty Ifan and down into Penmachno.
Another superb ride is to take the road along the south bank of the lake at Bala, turn left and up Wale's highest pass and on to Llyn vyrnwy. You can do a lap of this beautiful reservoir before heading back up to Bala (and there's another really nice trail off to the side of this route too).
08/03/2019 07:28:24 UTC
Ren - The Ed said :-
We rode around the lake a couple of years back Bob. It's a single track and as you say perfectly pleasant too. I'm sure you have a handful of fabulous rides to add so get them too me!! Plain text words, JPG images and either a google maps or the route or at least some accurate details for it. Mr Soady's sent me one which will be published soon.
08/03/2019 07:48:16 UTC
Borsuk said :-
Just wandering through the site and realised I came along this route last time I was in the uk on my way back from Barmouth to Wrexham. Was a good dry day with little traffic and an immensely fun stretch of road. If I had the time I would have done it in reverse but it was getting a bit on the late side.
16/02/2021 00:45:56 UTC
Ren - The Ed¹ said :-
It's a smasher Borsuk. I hope to return one day... one day.
16/02/2021 09:13:37 UTC

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