Ren's Biking Blog
Thrashtastic Sunday
Blog Date - 29 February 2012
Not very often but occasionally the stars align such that I'm on the 600, on a Sunday, on a dry day. It happened this Sunday though, and I got a little giddy with myself. I actually got the revs above 6,000, I got the speed up above 55 and I blew some cobwebs out too. The roads weren't quite dry so I was curving a few corners but keeping a little in reserve for those unexpected damp patches. It was fun, such fun!
So why don't I ride like that all the time? If it's so much fun then what's stopping me having more fun?
It's fun BECAUSE I don't ride like that all the time. I like all kinds of riding. Slow lazy days where I take in the views, never going fast enough to even cause concern in a bend and chilling out. Transport mode where everything I do has a purpose and is effective, not an ounce of energy is wasted on an unrequired gearchanges and fuel economy is king. Distance mode where I try to settle into the seat for a long haul, allow my mind to wander when the road is quiet so I can be sharp when it's not and trying not to worry about each tiny new rattle or wobble on the bike. There are many modes and shades of grey in between.
There are those, possibly most, who only ever ride fast. To each their own, live and let live and all that, but I think they're missing things. Things like the scenery or the towns they pass through, like the challenge of riding in the bad weather and surviving and the sense of accomplishment having completed a long haul. One thing I hope we all miss is the other traffic and other dangerous obstacles.
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