Bike Tips
Agrius Rage SV Visor Removal
Blog Date - 29 January 2018
I recently purchased the
Agrius Rage
helmet due to an issue with my Shark Skwal - details of which will follow once I've finished off the story. This is a cheap helmet at £35 but it does have a Sharp 4 star safety rating which is up there with many much more expensive lids. I'm actually finding it to be a perfectly good piece of kit so far.
Anyhow I wanted to take the visor off to give it a good wash and I couldn't find any details of how to. So I worked it out and made my own video.
We're always looking for motorcycle kit to review here on Bikes And Travels. If you'd like us to review your product then contact ren@bikesandtravels.com
Reader's Comments
Ian Soady said :-
There's a common myth that goes something like "if you have a cheap head buy a cheap helmet". Totally wrong. Provided it's passed the requisite tests, any helmet will protect your head way above any forces that will be applied to it. What is crucial is that it fits well and doesn't wobble about when the strap is tightened.
I like the Nitro range - open faced models for around £40 or so. Very well made (and very easy to remove the visor!).
30/01/2018 10:12:32 UTC
Ren - The Ed said :-
When I was instructing I was taught to teach - and I agree...
"It's better to have a £50 helmet that fits perfectly than a £500 lid that doesn't fit well."
30/01/2018 10:39:37 UTC
Bob said :-
I like LS2, the flip front with internal sun visor, about £80 and perfectly fine.
30/01/2018 12:46:46 UTC
Ren - The Ed said :-
I have a sneaking suspicion the LS2 and the Agrius brands are closely related Bob.
31/01/2018 11:28:17 UTC
Borsuk said :-
Good video Ren.
Just changed the visor on the boys helmet and I knew I had seen a video somewhere.
28/04/2018 16:10:38 UTC
Ren - The Ed said :-
Cheers Borsuk. I'm working on my on screen persona so I'll be ready when fame and fortune finally find me.
28/04/2018 22:30:26 UTC
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